Monday, November 03, 2008

Dress Up Time

On Tuesday night we carved pumpkins and baked cookies with Auntie Rosanna.

Erik asked Keziah if she wanted to put her hands in the pumpkin and this was her reaction:

The finished products (my Thomas the Train looks a little more like Mickey Mouse...):

Ballerina meets pumpkins.

Thursday was playgroup and the kids got to wear their costumes for the first time. Micah's really into doing the "peace" sign for pictures these days. I have no idea where he got it from.

Two very somber zebras.

On Friday night we had our annual life group Harvest Party. For the past 3 years, our life group has used a room in our church to throw a party for the kids in lieu of trick-or-treating. The kids dress up, play some games, decorate treat bags and leave with a bag of candy. Since joining our life group 3.5 years ago, it has split into 2 and expanded, making for a pretty big group when we all get together!

Erik was even convinced to dress up for the event:

Keziah was pretty much done with pictures by this point :)

Playing with their candy stash!

Micah can be kind of anti-social sometimes with other kids (i.e. refusing to play the party games at the Harvest Party) and we get frustrated with the fact that his first reaction to many situations is to whine... loudly. But he has also surprised us recently with some "big boy" behaviour. The other day we took the kids to the playplace at Burger King. Micah panicked when he realized this play structure was unfamiliar and didn't know how to get to the top of the slide. There was another family of kids playing so I asked one of the girls if she could show Micah how to get to the top. Micah followed her bravely, though I heard him call after her a couple of times in a panicked voice, "Where are you?!?", but the next thing I knew they were coming down the slide together. With that, Micah saw another younger boy starting to climb up and said to him, "Do you want to come with me? I can teach you how to get to the top of the slide. My name is Micah." I was so proud of him.

We're also happy to report that Micah has decided to go back to his Sunday School class after some freak-outs at the start of the school year. We had tried putting him in with the 4-year-olds, but after that didn't go so well, we decided to try the 3-year-old class instead. We've made the decision to hold Micah back a year in school because of his late birthday, so we figured we'd keep him with the younger kids at church too. There are a lot more familiar faces in that class, including his teacher. And we heard afterwards that he eagerly participated in the class discussion about David and Goliath :) Yay. It was good to hear that.

I dressed up as a pregnant mother for Halloween -lol :) Here I am at 20 weeks (halfway!) with prince Micah (and his funny smile).


  1. i really had to laugh at keziah's reaction!!
    you look good! and time sure passed by quickly!wow!

    have a great week!


  2. Those are some cute costumes! :0)
    Wow, that is so cute of Micah to want to helped the younger boy. He's going to be so good to the baby when it comes into the world.

  3. those pumpkins look great! Micah's behavior at Burger King is VERY impressive!!!! and so cute :)
    You are looking fabulous, as ever!

  4. So my kid is learning all of his tricks from yours? :0) I guess boys will be boys.
    See you tomorrow.

  5. great pics Jamie...your Halloween looked like a lot of fun :) I have to admit that you do look pretty huge already for 20 weeks...but def still lookin hot! Your pregnancy clothes are much cuter than what I wore with my 2 kids!
    Janelle W

  6. you are so beautiful jamie!! love seeing pictures of you & your growing baby :)

  7. oh - look at that tummy - LOVE it, you are stunning! and the Halloween pictures are so much fun. K's face is PRICELESS! gotta say that Erik needs to be more original though - i've seen that "costume" at a few Halloween's! haha..
    love you guys, and will be calling you soon re: our plans for May!

  8. Do you have any pics of the kids when Is. is at your place?

  9. If so I'd like some copies please.

  10. your lookin great Jamie, and so are the kids. mom
