Tuesday, October 28, 2008

'Tis the Season

Here was the scene at our place yesterday:

And here is the scene today:

We have entered the season of sickness. There has been some form of sickness in our household for the last 3-4 weeks now: colds, flus, fevers... you name it. We're sick of being sick and hoping that the end is near. We talked about getting the flu shot this year after Micah's marathon flu in the spring - does anyone know if they're offering it somewhere in Abbotsford these days??

Thanks for all your kind words in my "fat" post :P I really wasn't fishing for compliments but I thank you for them nonetheless! I had my routine 18-week ultrasound on Friday and got to see little Ju-Jube again. I could feel him/her kicking and moving the whole time the tech was doing her measurements (I couldn't watch on a separate screen this time) and then once she was ready for me to have a look, little Jubie just snuggled right up and decided to go to sleep. His/her head was down and a profile shot was nearly impossible, so I was glad I had already gotten pictures from the first ultrasound.

And here is some evidence of the packing that is slowly happening around here...

It's only 2 and 1/2 weeks until we get possession of our new place - and probably a little longer before we're actually living there. This has seemed like a really long wait to move in and I'm starting to get antsy. I feel like I can't pack much more until right at the very end. Micah has already been asking for some of his things that have been packed away, so I feel like I'm just waiting for the day to get closer before we do the major packing.

We talk about our new house with Micah often and I think he understands that change is on the horizon. We've driven past our new place a few times and I even took him to the park down the street which he loved. I'm not sure what Keziah will make of the move since there's really not much we can do to prepare her at this age. Not to mention all the other changes that are coming up for her - moving out of her crib, potty training and possibly moving into a room with her brother all before a new baby arrives... Poor kid - she has no idea what's in store!

Tonight - depending on the state of my ill children - we are hoping to carve some pumpkins. And Friday night we'll be with care group friends to do a Harvest Party for the kids. Micah is excited to be "Marty" (a.k.a. the zebra from Madagascar) and Keziah will be pretty in her pink ballerina tu-tu. Stay tuned for pictures of the kids in their costumes...


  1. hoping the sickness leaves your house soon!!! i haven't heard of where it's being offered yet.
    please share some of the details about the Harvest Party in an upcoming post. I feel like we have no options for Halloween except to take Taeya trick-or-treating, which I'm not too keen on doing myself (Alf is working that night) and bringing Ezra along...in the rain, no less.
    We briefly discussed a Harvest Party with our LifeGroup, but nothing came of it, so I'd be curious to hear how you do things, how you organize it, where you hold it, etc.

  2. I was just at my Doctors today. There is a flu shot being offered at that clinic from 4 to 6 pm on Thursday. We might go. Isaiah has been a bit sick so it all depends on if he's feeling better or not.
    Hope the kids are all feeling better before Monday.

  3. Dr. Dick's (Dueck's) office, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-7:30 (most weeks in Nov). I noticed the sign last week when I was there. It's free for high risk people, and $20 for anyone else.

  4. hey jamie
    i just caught up on a few of your posts. re: the "fat" post, i would strongly advise trying to get time to exercise for yourself. not really for weight management, but for your body's sake. just like me, having three kids close together, is hard on the ol' joints and ligaments and pelvic floor. getting out walking, or doing aquafit (if you can get someone to watch your kids for it), or something else you might be able to do will really help. it really energized me and helped me feel like my bottom end was NOT going to fall out (which is a very good thing)!

  5. I don't think they charge anything for kids, and maybe Erik can still use his Crohn's and geet a free shot, and you might too, being pregnant. I have never had to pay for a flu shot yet. Not sure why. dad is diabetic, so he is free too. Praying you are all healthy by the time we come. We could help with whateveer you need done in the house. Painting or whatever. love mom

  6. Are you all feeling any better? How has your week been with Erik in Vancouver during the days?

  7. Is it just me or does Micah all of a sudden look so grown up? His face has changed so much! He looks like a little man now :)

  8. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

  9. Lucky you to be moving into a new/bigger place. We put our house on the market this summer (we're down here in the dreaded states, though, where it's been HARD) and alas, no sale. Our contract ended and we've decided to wait until spring. I NEED A BIGGER HOUSE! I have 2 active boys and being inside all winter is going to drive me batty. Well .. probably too much info for you, just wanted to say 'grats on the new place ....... and that I envy you :) Hehe.
