Monday, November 17, 2008

A Few Pictures

We've had a productive weekend at the house and have received so much help! It's been great! I'm not really much help there when I have the kids, so I'm spending most of the day at home today and thought I'd take the opportunity to post some pictures from the first half of November (it's hard to believe the month is half over and Keziah will be 2 on Saturday!!)

I've been babysitting our friends' little boy on Mondays and a few other evenings recently. One evening Erik pushed all the furniture aside to create a hockey rink for the kids.

Hockey sticks in the air!

Yep, there you go buddy :)

Erik's been working in Vancouver doing finishing work in the wine cellars of some big homes. Here he is with one of his finished projects:

Micah enjoying a little, er, big Starbucks:

We took Micah to the movie theatre for the first time last weekend. He was very excited to see Madagascar 2.
"Movie Theatre!!"

This is Micah's new habit. I find it revolting. I'm trying not to make a big deal about it and hoping he'll get tired of it soon...

And the work started on our new place on Saturday afternoon! It felt weird - like the place didn't really belong to us. But the more work we get done, the more ownership I'm starting to feel. Here's a little sneak peek:

Typical workers, just standing around:

Me and baby taking a break. I'm sporting the complimentary painter's cap from Rona :)

The kids enjoying their first supper in the new house. Some friends of ours generously provided us with delicious chili! It was a little hectic bringing the kids into the reno zone with nowhere for them to play. To add to the fun, Keziah wet right through her pants and had to borrow a pair from her little friend :)

This quick-drying putty doesn't taste too bad...

Elissa & Dad Toews painting the crawl space:

Walls in the living room prepped for paint:

Erik sanding in the living room:

This morning we decided to get some Tim Horton's breakfast and head to the park. The kids didn't see much of Erik over the weekend and it was good to get a bit of family time in before his day at the house started.

"Cheers"-ing their chocolate timbits:

Geese taking off from Mill Lake:

Observing from the sidelines:

Yay for timbits!!

I enjoyed my bagel BELT :)

Today I hope to get a bit of packing and cleaning done around the house. Easier said than done with 2 busy people running around...


  1. Wow - very exciting to have possession of the new place and getting the work started on it :) Before you know it, you'll be all settled in! And so wonderful that you have a lot of willing help :)
    Cute pics of the kids - I'm sure we could have Taeya and Keziah in at least one matching item of clothing every season (the pink Gap fleece). too funnY :)

  2. Great pictures!! How exciting to soon have your very own place! Although the thought of doing all that reno work makes me cringe. Craig and I aren't really the reno types!

  3. I'm so excited for you guys and the experience of moving into own place! And its a VERY sweet feeling of accomplishment when all the reno's are done and you can stand back and pat yourselves on the back for all of your hard work. Such a good feeling :) All the best as you continue to pack up and start this new phase of life. Can't wait to see the "after" pictures!

  4. The new place already looks great! It's going be fantastic when it's all done! Glad the weekend was productive!

  5. Congrats on the new place. It looks like you guys are putting in lots of work - I am sure it is going to look amazing.

  6. The pictures made me smile. I'll have to copy that pic of the kids some time soon.
    I see what you mean about Micah's new love for going cross-eyed. I'm sure he'll do more crazy things as he gets older.
    I really did think that Isaiah's pants looked cute on Keziah.
    Thanks for the play date today.

  7. Great update. Thanks. I enjoyed all the pictures (I wonder if everyone was always smiling as your pics indicate!), and look forward to visiting your new home. A.Shirley

  8. Mmmm, bagel BELT's - my fav!
    The house is looking great! Can't wait to see the finished product. I'm sure it'll feel so nice once you're all moved in and settled. Take care!

  9. wow! lots of work with a baby inside, hey?!
    micah looks so grown up in those pics!

  10. Your kids are adorable, as always! Micah has really gotten taller in the last while. I love how your family is always banding together to help each other out. It's encourging, and inspiring. Can't wait to see your pictures when its all done. I bet you are ready for it to be done too!

  11. oh i'm SOOO excited to come & see your place! it's going to look great & a new home with a new baby - yipppeee! :) wish we could help you guys out!

  12. Hmmm... I have no idea where Micah would get a habit like that!! I remember a little photo of you and I on that window of someone's car... remember my super super ugly face I came up with on our way to GLBC one summer??? Can't wait to see photos of the new place. Our girls are two! isn't that crazy?! And we still haven't met up! We are off to Liv's 2 year appt right now... gotta go!

  13. Wow Jamie, the place looks great already :) your belly is also looking super cute :)

  14. a lot is happening in your part of the world. Make sure you do get some rest too. Things like that can become a stressful situation but still fulfilling. God bless you
