Friday, November 21, 2008

Progress & Happy Birthday to Keziah

What a tiring week and there is still more work to be done. We are hoping to move in most of our stuff tomorrow so hopefully all goes well with that!

I've been spending most of my days at home with the kids since we are pretty useless over at the new place. I think the kids are reacting to the changes and disruptions and lack of one-on-one attention. I'm anxious to get settled into more of a routine very soon!

We've had to think of creative ways to be entertained all these long days at home - like making a slide out of this blue mattress. I had a cute video of them actually sliding down it, but I have neither the time nor the patience to post it today!

Here are some more pictures from this past week...

Erik and Keziah taking a supper break:

Micah enjoying an oreo from the unfinished bathroom. I think he was hiding while he ate it because he thought he'd get in trouble for only eating the white filling :)

The kids hanging out on the staircase:

Erik filling holes:

Dora & Diego chairs - I think Micah's eyes are crossed again...

Dad Toews was a very dedicated painter - a job we know isn't his favourite!

Having supper at the end of the day:

And tomorrow is Keziah's 2nd birthday! I'm afraid she won't get much of a celebration tomorrow other than some cake :) But we're planning some birthday fun for both of the kids in a couple of weeks when my parents are visiting. Thankfully Keziah is too young to realize the difference yet!


  1. I'm assuming that last picture is a eating nook - very nice. Thanks for keeping us connected to the activity in Abb. A.Shirley

  2. The colors look great! Sure wish Fred felt like painting again...(I just watch, and offer kind words).

    Happy Birthday Keziah!

  3. Happy Birthday Keziah.
    That slide looks like fun. Jamie,
    Isaiah asked for you and Micah a lot today. He was sad that you weren't at the new house when we went to visit tonight.
    Hopefully we can see you soon.

  4. things are definately improving! i'm eagerly waiting for the "after" pics:)

    happy birthday keziah! i hope you're having a wonderful and funfilled day and a great year to come in your new room at your new house!


  5. the place is looking great! I hope today's move went smoothly! can't wait to come see it!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEZIAH!!! love Taeya.

  6. Happy Birthday cute little/ big girl! Soon you'll be nice and settled into your home thinking of you

  7. We are soooo excited to come and see tthe new place, and celebrate all the birthdays. Can hardly wait..

  8. Since my computer has been down for the last month i am a little bit behind on reading blogs!!

    Congrats on your new place!! Looks beautiful!!!

    The pictures of the kids are just so adorable and you are looking fabulous!!
