Saturday, March 28, 2009

it's a boy!

Silas Paul was born at 10:51 am, 8 lbs 14 oz, 23 in. Mom and baby are doing well!


  1. Congratulations! We are SO excited for you and will be praying for you as you adjust to being a family of five!

  2. Jamie and Eric we are so proud of this new life.Love you guys. Dad Harder

  3. heee heeee! i LOVE that i had a hunch this morning...God was promting me to pray :) a huge CONGRATS to you guys! Welcome baby Silas!!! I'm so glad the little buddy decided to come today. All the best in these precious first few days. You will be in my prayers!

  4. Congrats little Toewsies! So glad to hear that Silas made it into the world, and that mom and baby are doing well. :) Can't wait to see the pictures!

  5. Praising the Lord with you. Gerry & Shirley

  6. Welcome baby Silas!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!! Thanking God for a safe arrival.

  7. Great news! Welcome to the world Silas! Glad to hear that you are all doing well. Looking forward to pictures :)

  8. wow! great news, indeed!!!

    congrats to you&your family!!! hope you're feeling well:)and this little boy does great as well....

    and enjoy your babymoon!


  9. Congrats Jamie and Erik!!! Welcome baby Silas!! Glad to hear that things went well!!

  10. Congrats! Glad to hear you didn't have to wait too much longer after your water broke.
    Can't wait to see pictures. Hope everyone is getting healthy in the family.
    Take care

  11. Congratulations on your new baby boy! I LOVE his name and I am so glad that you were able to go in naturally.
    Can't wait to hear the birth story and see pics! But take your time getting to know your new little man! ;)

  12. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Cant wait to see pictures!!!!

  13. Congrats! Can't wait to see a picture of this little guy!

  14. Congratulations, Jamie and Erik
    on your big boy. I was out only 1 lb in my predictions but 100% wrong on the sex. All that matters is that your son is healthy and has all his ten toesies.
    Love Auntie Bertha

    PS ARE YOU sure his name isn't Paul Silas?

  15. Congrats you guys! Glad everyone's well, and the waiting is over. Can't wait to see some photos of the little guy! Hope you find some time to rest.

  16. Congratulations!! So excited for you. We are praying for strength and health!

  17. Congratulations! So excited for you! I love the name you chose!

  18. congrats again - can't wait to meet little Silas!

  19. congratulations to you and erik :) hopefully everyone is well and you can get some rest sometime :)

  20. Congratulations! When I told Craig it was a boy he said, "Good job, Eric"! :) We've had an influx of girls at church so it's nice to see more little boys being born! Can't wait to meet him! Love you two, Jen
