Saturday, March 28, 2009


I woke up at 2 am with mild contractions and a really stuffy nose. Between my contractions and my snoring, I kept waking myself up! At 4 am I decided to turn on the bathroom fan to drown myself out :) and as I rolled over I felt a little gush. My contractions started getting a bit more painful after that and we decided to head into the hospital at 5:30. I wasn't convinced my water had broken but a quick swab test confirmed that indeed it did. My contractions were (and are) getting more painful, but I was still barely dilated so they sent me home until things get a bit more intense. Either way, we'll have a baby sometime today or early tomorrow!

I am feeling quite congested with this head cold and Erik is still not feeling 100%, so pray that we would have health and strength for this day!


  1. Yay - the time has finally come :) Definitely praying for strength for you if it isn't exhausting enough just having a baby, but to be sick as well...blah :(
    Can't wait to hear the news, and meet the little one (I think I guessed it was a boy, but I am on the fence now...).
    Go Jamie GO!!!!!

  2. Have been and will continue to. Praise the Lord that this is all starting on its own!

  3. You can so totally do this! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.

  4. Oh yay yay yay!!!! All the best Jamie!! I can't wait to hear of its arrival!

  5. Waiting to hear about your newest blessing. You can do it Jamie!

  6. YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!
    congrats you guys - can't wait to see pictures :)

  7. YAY!!!!!! Hoope the baby comes quickly and easiy for ya!!!! Cant wait to see the photos of your new arrival!!!

  8. SO excited to hear that it will be today or tomorrow! I'll be praying for miraculous healing for both you and Erik so that you both have the strength and energy you need to get through! Ooooh, can't wait to hear the news!!!!

  9. How exciting! Praying for health and strength for you. Can't wait to hear the news and to see pictures!

  10. YIPPEE! (obviously the previous writers don't have an inside track like we do, so I won't say anything else...)
