Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We had a bit of a scary night on Monday. Keziah had developed a barking-type cough during the day and at around midnight I woke up to the sound of her coughing and trying to cry out. When I went in she was burning with a fever and struggling to breathe through the coughing. She finally threw up which seemed to help a bit, but she was so listless and her cry was so pitiful. Erik wasn't feeling totally well himself, but he quickly packed up her up and took her into emerg. I stayed at home and tried to sleep - which wasn't happening. Not only was I worried about Keziah, but I was feeling some contractions and praying that I wouldn't go into labour! At the hospital they took Keziah in right away when they discovered that her fever was in the danger zone. It turns out that she had croup so they had to give her a steroid shot as well as a steroid nebulizer mask. They couldn't convince her to take any tylenol orally so they had to give her a suppository. Erik said she cried and cried throughout the whole ordeal, with her most common phrase being, "I wanna go in my van!!" After it was all over they gave her stickers and a purple popsicle and I think she finally cheered up. She still isn't totally herself but the cough seems to be under control.

With everyone around me being so sick - including Erik - I have been caught between wanting this baby OUT and wanting to wait until we're all healthy and well-rested before entering the ordeal of labour. There's something reassuring about knowing that baby Toews is nicely incubated from all these outside germs!

I went to see my doctor again this morning and discovered that I've made a tiny bit of progress. I'm now 1-2 cm dilated, 30% effaced and baby has dropped to -3 station. It's nothing too significant but at least all that "false" labour over the weekend wasn't in vain :) I had another membrane sweep so we'll see what happens. We talked about induction and I feel reassured to have an end in sight. As much as I've resisted induction, there's something nice about the thought of entering the labour experience after a full night's sleep!

This morning I woke up with a sore throat and some sinus congestion but I'm hoping to fight off this cold before the baby comes! At least I'm hoping it won't escalate to the fevers that Erik has been dealing with. So, I will keep you all posted...


  1. wow, definitely not the challenges you want to be facing while waiting for an overdue baby to arrive! we are praying for you guys!!!!

  2. I distinctly remember excitedly checking your blog every day around the time Keziah was born and here I am again! :)
    Thought you might want to take your babystrology countdown off your blog. I've noticed that since you hit your due date, it's started going backwards. I can imagine that that would be a little discouraging :)
    Praying for your family!

  3. Praying for your family as they are recovering from their sicknesses. And I hope that you don't catch anything either. That would be even harder during labour if you couldn't breathe properly! And poor Keziah - croup is the worst sounding thing! Glad that she is feeling a bit better.

  4. Has Erik been checked out for the whole fever thing?
    I pray you won't be sick when you go into labor.

  5. Croup is horrible - I think it was last winter when James had it. Thankfully we avoided hospitalization, but it is so hard hearing that awful barking cough. We spent a lot of nightime hours running our shower as hot as it could go with the door shut, making a steam room for James. It did a great job - as did the cold winter air, but you don't have that right now! Hope you all feel top notch for baby's arrival. I'll be praying!

  6. There is something to this "keeping them incubated until everyone is well". Our little boy was born with the "junk" in the air and 5 days after he was born wound up in the NICU for a week with the virus we all had, but it had attacked his brain. Seizures, fevers, and spinal taps later, we're all fine. But there might just be something to your delayed labor!

  7. poor keziah!
    i hope you're feeling well soon and that you don't get this virus as hard as your family did!
    yeah for an overdue baby at the moment:)


  8. hope she feels better soon. At least mom is there now and she can help out with all the sickos.

  9. Oh wow, that's a lot to deal with. Hoping everyone gets better SOON and that you can fight this off.

  10. I've been thinking of you the last little while. Having overdue babies is definitely not fun but hopefully this just means you and your family will all be healthy and rested when baby comes. Praying that you get better fast and that baby makes an appearance soon!

  11. hi jamie! thinking about you this morning and just prayed for you too :) hope things are going well! that sweet baby will be in your arms before you know it. xoxo
