Monday, February 18, 2008

Leaving Tomorrow

I'm pretty much packed and ready to go for tomorrow morning. I'm not sure Micah realizes that the long-awaited trip to Manitoba is actually here. I gave him a Lightning McQueen backpack today and we packed some fun things inside and then he put it on and played "airplane" for awhile :) Unfortunately he came down with a pretty bad cold over the weekend. His nose has been like a faucet and he has a pretty nasty cough as well. Keziah started the coughing today too but was still surprisingly content all day. I hope she can stay that way ALL week!!

We're leaving some incredible weather here this week. Today the thermometer read +15 and I had to peel down to my t-shirt when I took the kids for a walk! Now it's off to the land of toques and mitts. But, it's OK because I'm sure the sun will be shining every day :)

I hate posting without pictures so here are a couple of the kids the other day when Erik took them outside to play. Can you tell that he dressed them too? :)


  1. I hope and pray for safe traveling since there's slippery ice on some roads in some areas.

  2. Have a great trip! And i have to say I am a bit jealous of the +15 weather...can you bring some it to us in the praries when you come! :)

  3. have a GREAT time Jamie! i'm so excited for you & will be praying for you tomorrow! take lots of pics! :)

  4. I hope you had a good flight and I hope the kids were good for you too.

  5. Hope your flight went well, and I hope the kids don't get any more sick!! :)
    have a great time!

  6. Have a fabulous time with your family!! I hope the trip goes well with two sick kids!! And, that +15 sure sounds nice - although I cannot complain about the 10 degrees we had yesterday! I do wish we had green grass like you guys, though!

  7. Hope you have a really great time with your family and praying that the kids will be little angels on the flights there & back :) I'm sure they'll do really well!

  8. hope you're having a great trip!! looking forward to hearing about it! :)

  9. i MISS YOUR POSTS!!!! hope you're having a GREAT time!! :)
