Saturday, February 23, 2008


Just a little update from sunny Boissevain. My kids are sick :( They both had colds when we got to MB and now Micah has the flu. So, we're hanging in there and hoping that Keziah won't get it. And I sure don't want to get it either. My mom's done laundry for us all day and is now making me some comfort food - waffles :) The fact that I'm hungry for them is a hopeful sign that I'm not coming down with anything...


  1. yeah, i am dreaming of the day i don't have to clean up puke

  2. so not fun!!! (could erik feel bad for them/you and feel a bit happy at the same time that he's not cleaning up puke? :)
    hope it ends soon so you can all enjoy some healthy days together!

  3. ahhh... boissevain. Hope you're having fun back 'home' despite some sickness!

  4. [[[HUGS]]] Sorry your kids are sick - that sucks! Praying God will keep you healthy.

  5. So glad you can be with your mom to help out and make comfort food! Hope everyone is better really soon.

  6. so sorry to hear that micah is sick...bad timing, he?!
    hope you´re still enjoying your time with your family!

  7. That sucks that your kids are sick. I hope they start feeling better soon. I'm glad the weather warmed up here for you a bit.

  8. I MISS YOU GUYS!!! So so so sorry to hear about the sickness. Think of you often these days.

  9. Can't wait to see all three of you guys! It's been too long.
    Hoping the sickness passes soon.

  10. Oh no - sounds like he got that yucky flu from Manitoba.
