Sunday, September 21, 2008

Apple Barn, etc.

Our real estate agency threw an event for all their clients at the Apple Barn on Saturday. It was our first time going there and we had so much fun - despite a bit of rain. The agency provided live music, food, face painting and balloons, while the Apple Barn itself delighted the kids with a petting zoo, playground, hay rides and more.

The kids loved feeding the bunnies.

Micah was much braver than his sister when it came to petting the goats.



Face Painting.

Taking a wagon ride to see the apple trees.

Waiting for our hayride to start.

Riding the John Deere tractor trail.

Last week we said good-bye to Erik's Uncle Gary & Aunt Doreen who have been staying upstairs for a good portion of the summer. It was so great having them around and the kids really warmed up to them.

And just because it's funny, here's a picture of Keziah after she managed to get one of my black hair elastics over her head and around her neck!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time. Loved all the pics, and how in the world did Keziah manage to do that??

  2. hee hee. i think keziah wanted to be the sheep. she doesn't look too impressed to be a pig :) i love her seriousness. i think it's so cute. great pictures, looks like a fun time!!!

    yes, i'm wondering the same thing...HOW in the world did she get that elastic over her head???? that's talent!

  3. Beats me how she got that thing over her head!

  4. i wonder how you got it off?

    and i love the picture of keziah being the pig....she doesn't seem to be too impressed:)


  5. ouch!? I have to say, that is sure one strong hair elastic with amazing elasticity

  6. The Apple Barn, eh? That looks like a place Isaiah would like. Where is it?
    How did you get the elastic off?
    If you ever take pics of our kiddos together would you mind emailing me some?

  7. I love Keziah's little ponytail... so cute!! Did you have to cut the elastic off?

  8. The elastic proved to be stretchy enough to fit back over her head again so no cutting was necessary :)

  9. I had never heard of the Apple Barn before. Looks like lots of fun!
    Looking forward to hearing how your ultrasound goes today.

  10. yikes re: hair elastic!

    those pics are cute of the farm. keziah's expression is funny. a non-expression of sorts :)
