Saturday, October 25, 2008


Sandbox time...

Leaves gathering in the treehouse.


Fall sunshine.

Cleaning up fall.

Hugs for the big purple ball.

Can't see Micah's face, but I still liked this one...


  1. you have such a pretty backyard. are you going to be able to move the tree house to your new place?

  2. I think in that first picture of Keziah she looks so much like a Toews!! The Glen one

  3. Amber - I wish. It will have to remain a fixture at Grandpa & Grandma's house :)

  4. keziah's hair is growing, isn't it? and i love the sweater she's wearing....
    and i like fall a lot! i love all the coloured leaves everywhere and all the cozy clothes you got to wear:)

    have a great week!

  5. Great pictures, Jamie! It still looks pretty green there yet! We're already in the brown, dry and cold stage of fall here in Alberta! I'm sure you don't miss that! :)

  6. Great pictures. It's good to get as many as you can before you move though I am sure the kids will be back to play there lots.

  7. i'm sure they will miss that beautiful yard!
    i love the picture of the sun with Micah, but I LOVE sunray pictures.
    i had a dream that I did your maternity pictures, although I wish I could I am looking for someone to head downtown to do some urban preggo pics.

  8. I have a picture of Keziah with her blankie. Ever since Friday, Isaiah has been snuggling more with his blanket and doggy!
