Mommy & I just got home from our trip to see all my relatives in Manitoba. I saw my Granny & Grandpa Harder, lots of Aunts & Uncles (even Great Aunts!) and ALL 8 of my cousins. I got to fly on the airplane with my Mommy. I was mostly a good boy and slept part of the trip, but being in a tight space for that long is no easy task for a big baby like me!

Here I am in Grandpa Harder's hot tub!

This is me with my Great Aunt Bertha, my cousins Kailyn & Josh, and my Auntie Nichole who is holding baby Noah.

These are my other Great Aunts, Hilda & Martha.

My cousins Olivia & Maddy.

My cousins Cassidy, Liam & Aidan.

Liam & I are only 5 months apart and already playing together so nicely!