And as I was going through old picture CDs to put together the new slideshow on my sidebar I came across some great little video clips of Micah. Here he is at 3 months old. The video was labelled "I don't need a soother":
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Little smiles
And as I was going through old picture CDs to put together the new slideshow on my sidebar I came across some great little video clips of Micah. Here he is at 3 months old. The video was labelled "I don't need a soother":
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Check it out
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Oh the Drama!
Yesterday I planned a shopping trip to Superstore. When Micah was done napping and Keziah had eaten and seemed ready for a sleep I packed up the kids to head out. The trip started out fine and things went smoothly in the store but as I was paying at the check-out, Keziah started waking up and fussing. She wanted nothing to do with her soother and wasn't calming down. I quickly packed up my groceries and made the LONG walk down the Superstore ramp (by which point she was screaming!) got the groceries in the car, buckled Micah in his carseat, put Keziah's carseat in, took my cart back (I considered just leaving it, but I didn't want to lose my looney;). I come back to the car - yep, still screaming. As I'm driving out of the parking lot, I've got one hand on the wheel and one hand trying to stuff the soother in Keziah's mouth. At this point Micah starts whining for the candy that I had promised him when we were still in the store. Then, as I'm exiting the lot I see my friend E waving at me. I abandon the attempts at soothing Keziah to give her a quick wave (gotta make it look like I've got this all under control!) and then make the LONG drive home with a baby screaming in my ear. And just my luck, she fell asleep just as we were turning onto our street.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas & more...

Erik and I got a kid's table & chairs set for Micah's Christmas gift so we set it up and put it in his room while he was sleeping on Christmas eve with a couple of new toys on it. We heard him up at about 5:30 on Christmas morning and he played in his room for an hour before he was ready to come out and see us!
Keziah's napping habits have been on my mind a lot in the last week. She seems to have fallen into a pattern of having short naps of 30-45 minutes. Then she wakes up, still tired, but unwilling to settle back down again. So, she sort of drifts in and out of sleep for the next hour or so (usually in my arms or in the swing) and then it's time for her next feed. After which I try to keep her awake for a little bit and then start the cycle all over again. I've thought of trying to get her to nap on her tummy. Not the recommended sleeping position these days but I've heard lots of moms say that it helps their babies sleep longer. Are any of your kids tummy sleepers? Here's my question - how do you get them onto their tummy to sleep? I tried the other day and Keziah just fussed and bobbed her head around. I tried stuffing the soother in but she couldn't keep it in while moving around so much. Maybe I need to wait until she's in a deep sleep and then transfer her to that position...
But I am very thankful that she sleeps well during the night. I really can't complain. I would rather her have nap issues than night issues any day! Last night she slept from about 10:30 to 5:30! That's 7 hours straight! Unfortunately Micah was up before the crack of dawn today. Erik is working in Langley for the next 2 weeks and he has to be up just after 5. No matter how quiet he is in the morning, Micah just seems to sense that someone is up and then there's no way to get him to go back to sleep.
On the potty-training front, we haven't had any success since about a month ago when Micah went twice in one week. I'm not ready to push it yet and he doesn't seem ready to accept ;)
Maybe the next venture will be trying to get rid of his soother once and for all. He only has it for sleeping, but he really is obsessed with it. I've heard of cutting the end of the soother off a little bit at a time to wean him and I've also heard of going cold turkey and letting him cry it out - or giving him something to replace the soother like a new toy (as if he hasn't had enough new toys this month!)
Any advice???
I had to include this video of Micah from the other day. Every time he gets a little upset he asks for his soother (or "nuk-ie") and lately it's turned into this whole long sentence that he recites every time: "want nuk-ie too sleep big boy bed all night!" Can you hear it?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
One Month

I'm pretty sure she smiled for the first time the other day. It was a very "happy" look anyway. She did it once during the day when I was talking to her and then again for Erik when he came home from work. She hasn't done it since, but I think we're on the brink of smiling territory! I was trying to capture a smile in this collage of pictures -- no luck, but I got some other cute expressions in the meantime.
Yesterday I dressed Keziah up in this matching sweater and bonnet set that I received as a gift. Very pink and girly! As you can see, she's already taking after her big brother in the soother department. She's even holding up a protective hand to keep it from falling out!
That's Micah's foot in the edge of the picture - he loves to get right in Keziah's face when she's on the floor and I have to keep him from jumping on top of her. Keziah spends a lot more time in her bassinet than Micah ever did - mostly because I need to protect her from her over-zealous big brother!
So far we've had one close call. When I put Keziah in the swing Micah likes to "help" by giving her pushes. The other day as I was getting supper ready I saw him pushing her so hard that she almost flopped right out onto the floor. I ran over and stopped her limp little body just in time! Phew!
Now, to completely change the subject, I have to share the good news that Erik is almost done the house that he's been building since September! It has been a lo-o-o-ong project for them but they will finish either today or early next week! And the exciting news is that they signed two contracts this week to start building two more houses in the new year. So, things are starting to get rolling and Erik expects these next projects will be completed much faster. Very exciting! I will try to get him to take some pictures of the finished product.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
More Celebrations, etc.
By the way, this is Micah's "CHEESE!" face and it comes out in all the pictures lately!
Yesterday the girls from our care group held a Baby Shower lunch for me (to make up for the cancelled shower on Thursday night). It was a lot of fun and I got some more cute outfits for Keziah. I have felt so blessed by our care group. They made us a whole pile of food for our freezer that we've barely made a dent in, plus all the gifts yesterday. They even gave me a gift certificate to the Wild Orange Spa!
Life around the house is going fairly well these days. I'm pleasantly surprised to see Micah falling into the role of big brother. He's quite concerned for Keziah when she's crying, especially if her "nuk-ie" falls out of her mouth. He has also become very affectionate with her in the last week - sometimes a little overly affectionate! But it's very cute and I'm excited for them to learn to play together in the future. Micah definitely could use a playmate!
Keziah has been sleeping really well at night. Last night it was 6 hours and the night before it was 7! The tough part has been getting her to go right back to sleep after feeding. The other night I was up with her for an hour and a half in the night. But last night she went down right after I fed her at 9:30pm and then when I fed her again at 3:30am she went right back down again! It was wonderful!
I've been reading a lot of the The Baby Whisperer lately which I borrowed from a friend a few months ago when Micah was starting his separation anxiety (yes, Ej, I'm talking about your book - I haven't forgotten that I need to return it and I plan to soon!) It has been very interesting and I've learned a lot of new things. But, at the same time, it has created more worries! I really related to Heather's recent blog when she wrote about how we hope baby will sleep better but when that happens, we worry they are sleeping too much! Reading this book has now got me worrying about how Keziah feeds. I mentioned before that she seems to eat really fast. They say a newborn should be nursing for 20-40 minutes at a time, but Keziah's usually done after 10-20. When I fed her last night, she only nursed for about 7 minutes and then she was totally out. The book mentions that there are some babies who are just more efficient and you'll know they're getting enough if they can go 3 hours between feeds. It's not that she's always falling asleep while eating - she seems satisfied afterwards and can go the full 3 hours. So, I don't know why I'm worrying so much about this but I just am! I find myself constantly watching the clock while she nurses and I'm going to drive myself crazy! Who said we were more laid back the second time around??
I'd also like your opinions on the Oprah show that aired recently about the secret language of babies - based on the theory that there are 5 universal sounds that newborn babies use to communicate with us. Several of you blogged about that episode. I watched it before Keziah was born and tried to remember the sounds. I was very excited to put it all into practice. But, so far, I haven't been able to distinguish any of the classic sounds coming from my baby. I can tell when she's hungry because of how she roots and smacks her tongue and I can usually tell when she's sleepy, too, but it's not because I hear the "neh" or "owh" sounds that they talked about on the show. I'm curious to know if those of you with newborns have heard your babies making any of the sounds? Maybe my ear is just not practiced enough! It sure would be nice to know what all the extra crying is about...
Here's one last picture... So far Micah has gotten more use out of the baby swing than Keziah :o)
Friday, December 15, 2006
So with this new-found chaos, how do I manage to keep blogging? I guess it's the one thing that gives me an outlet and a way to connect and relate when I'm feeling a little tied-down. Besides our whirlwind trip across the country I haven't left the house much. I'm actually OK with that mostly because I'm a little scared to venture out with both kids! But I do need to stay connected with people and so the whole blogging thing keeps me from going nutty and feeling all alone. For those of you who live in the area, we need to schedule some playdates!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Birthday Fun
Here are the birthday boy and girl!

He also got a brand new bedding set from me and Erik for his big-boy bed. He was very excited to go to sleep last night with his new big pillow and blanket!

Micah's had nothing but gifts and treats for the last couple of weeks and Christmas isn't even here yet. I'm afraid he's going to think this is a normal way of life from now on...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Birthday Boy!
Here's the birthday boy trying to show you how old he is today:
And Micah's birthday is extra special since he shares it with his Auntie Rosanna - Happy Birthday Rosanna!!
It will be a simple family affair this year - unlike his 1st birthday party last year. For some reason I lack the energy, motivation and creativity to make a big deal this time around... Hmmm, I wonder why ;)

My water broke on Sunday, Dec 12th just before church. It was only a trickle and I felt totally fine so I sang in the worship team as planned and joined the family for lunch. By mid-afternoon I decided to go into the hospital just to check things out but I didn't think it was the real deal even though I was already 2 days overdue. Sure enough, I was leaking amniotic fluid. But the hospital was full so they gave me my group B strep antibiotics and sent me home. They told me to come back the next morning to be induced. At around 2:30 am on the morning of the 13th I started having mild contractions. We went in at 8:30 and my contractions were still pretty mild and irregular. They started me on some oxytocin to get things moving and soon they were getting stronger and more frequent. My back labour was intense so the only thing that felt good was Erik pressing with his knuckles on my lower back as hard as he could. He said his arms ached afterwards (I didn't feel that bad for him!). I tried the laughing gas for one contraction and hated it, but with the next contraction I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about an hour and Micah came into the world at 2:15 pm weighing in at 7 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 22 inches long!
In the last two years, Micah has become an active and entertaining little person! We often find ourselves laughing at the things he says and does. He seems to take after me in his looks, but his daddy in his personality. He can be high-strung and emotional (like Erik) and keeping his mind focused on one thing for more than a few minutes isn't an easy task! He loves everything his daddy does - drumming (especially on Daddy's real drums), hammering nails into his toy work bench, and playing hockey!
Happy Birthday Buddy - We love you!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Home Sweet Home
Amazingly, Keziah slept 4-6 hour stretches every night which was wonderful. However, I didn't always get to take full advantage of those stretches because of Micah :) Hopefully that will improve now that we're home. Micah seems to be happy to be back in his own "big-boy" bed and slept quite well last night.
We left Boissevain and went into LaSalle on Thursday. That night I had the chance to see two of my old friends, Rachel and Erin. I got to meet Erin's daughter, Sadie, for the first time. She is SO cute!
On Friday the whole family was together for Christmas. Even Noah came home from the hospital after a 69-day stay! He looks so much healthier than he did 5 months ago when they came to visit us here in BC.

Top L: Cousin Kailyn
Top R:Cousin Noah
Bottom L: Auntie Erin
Bottom R: Auntie Laura

My sister Erin and her husband Steve took some family shots. It was a bit of a challenge with all the kids. One of the best pictures was this silly one that we took right at the end:
Yesterday we boarded the plane with TWO extra suitcases FULL of stuff! Thanks to everyone for all the baby, Christmas and even birthday gifts! And we came home to a wonderfully clean house (thanks to Rosanna & Nate) and a full freezer (thanks to our care group)!
Today I will attempt to unpack our many bags and get things back in order. I also have to think about Micah's 2nd birthday which is in TWO days! We are just planning a simple family get-together this year but I would still like to make a fun cake for him. I have a couple of ideas, but I will need to do some more thinking about that before Wednesday.Friday, December 08, 2006
Manitoba Pics!
Me and the kids enjoying a lazy morning at Granny's...Erik has been looking forward to snowmobiling on the farm and there was just enough snow for him to get out a few times. He even took Micah out and we got a couple of shots of them going around the yard. Micah had fun but it was a little too cold for a long ride. Micah also enjoyed meeting "Sheba" - the dog that used to belong to Erik and his family when they lived in Calgary and has now retired with my parents on the farm...
A few shots of some of Micah & Keziah's cousins. We spent a bit of time with some of them at the beginning of the week on the farm.
Micah and his Grandpa Harder. He's really warmed up to his Grandpa & Granny this week.
Now we are in LaSalle at Brad & Nichole's and today we've had a long day. We went to my Aunt Martha's funeral earlier this afternoon and then we went ahead with our Harder family Christmas this afternoon and evening. It was a zoo with all the kids, but it was fun watching them open presents and enjoy playing with each other (minus a few scraps here and there which is to be expected!) There will be lots more pictures to come, but for now I need to feed my daughter and get to bed!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Greetings from Boissevain
We arrived in Manitoba safe and sound on Saturday afternoon. All went well on our two flights to Winnipeg and Keziah was a big hit with all the flight attendants. Micah charmed them as well with his recitation of the alphabet - he gets stuck on "hijklmnop" and repeats it over and over again ;)
Once we arrived in the city we went with my parents to visit my nephew Noah in the hospital. We are hoping he will be discharged this Friday to be part of our family Christmas celebration. He is doing well these days and is up to about 10 and a half pounds!
We drove out to Boissevain later that night and Micah has had a chance to spend some time with his cousins here at Granny & Grandpa's house. The first night Micah didn't want to go the bed and kept walking to the door saying "see friends!" On Friday, all 10 cousins will be together at Brad & Nichole's house in LaSalle. It's going to be a CRAZY day!
We had some rough news here yesterday. My aunt (my mom's oldest sister) died suddenly yesterday morning after a brain hemorrage. She was only 67. I haven't seen her much in recent years, but we actually spent about an hour with them on Saturday night in the city before we drove to Boissevain. She was very excited to hold the new baby. It's strange to see someone in complete health one day and then hear of their death only a couple of days later. We are all encouraged to know that she made a personal decision to follow Jesus only a couple of years ago. But, you can keep the family in your prayers, especially her husband, kids and grandkids.
Friday, December 01, 2006
1 more sleep!
Keziah is doing well. Her jaundice seems to be better and she's not acting "sick" so that's an answer to prayer. She seems to be a very content baby so far and barely cries even when getting changed or bathed (as compared to our screaming first child!). She has developed the wonderful habit of only waking me once at night to feed since she does two 4-hour stretches! I don't really remember what Micah did at this age, but I'm pretty sure I was up with him more than once a night.
Yesterday we ventured out as a family (since Erik was still unable to work!) and went to Old Navy. I've been wanting to go ever since Keziah was born because they have such cute girls clothes that I've never really allowed myself to look at before. But, yesterday I bought her a full outfit to wear for all the upcoming Christmas occasions. Here she is all decked out:
And finally a picture of me and her together where I look half-decent! I admit I've been living in sweat pants for the past week...
I have felt so blessed this week when I look at my little family. It's amazing to have two children and it seems especially amazing to have a rambunctious little boy and sweet baby girl! It's like the best of both worlds!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Snowed In
Last night Alf & Kelly braved the weather to bring us supper which we shared together. Micah was VERY excited to see "baby Taeya". Taeya is only 6 months older than Keziah but so much bigger!
Here was the scene this morning at around 8 am...
Today Erik bundled Micah up to enjoy the snow. This was Micah's first real experience with it. We don't really have proper winter-wear for him since it's not generally needed out here in BC, but we piled on lots of layers and he seemed to stay warm and dry. Erik took him down the "slide" that Uncle Nathan made in the snow the other day. And then Micah helped Daddy shovel the sidewalk.
Keziah and I stayed warm and dry indoors while "the boys" played. Today she is one week old!

Keziah had her first photo shoot on our bed the other day. I was trying to get some good pictures to make her birth announcements and here are some of the shots that I didn't use:

Micah has been adjusting alright so far to having a baby sister around. He calls her "Zy-ah" and gives her occasional kisses - but has already hit her on the head a couple of times as well :( He doesn't seem to be too bothered with her one way or the other except if she's in the way when he's trying to sit on Mommy's lap. It'll be interesting to see how they interact once Keziah starts responding to people more.
Well, I should be off. I've got LOTS of packing to do for the big trip. I have a feeling we're going to need to bring a TON of stuff!