We bought Micah his very own potty a few weeks ago. He was starting to show interest in the activity so we thought we'd at least let him get used to the idea of having a potty around. He likes it and enjoys sitting on it on occasion (fully clothed) but we have yet to have success with any real action actually taking place.
The other night I was on the computer when I heard him fumbling around with the toilet in the bathroom - usually that's a big "no no" with all the yucky germs, etc. So, I ran in to stop him and I found him trying to put his potty on the toilet (we have one that fits right on top of the seat) and making his "pooping" sound (a series of grunts). Sometimes he says "poop" (which sounds more like "pope") and other times he just grunts. Anyway, I was excited that he might be telling me something so I quickly took off his diaper to find that he had already gone! But, at least he seemed to understand that the action of pooping and the potty seat were somehow connected. So, we'll keep trying and get there eventually. I'm not pushing anything yet at 18.5 months, but it sure would be nice if he could be trained before baby #2 comes in November... Am I being completely unrealistic?
In other news, Micah saw the Dr. again on Monday and we got a stronger prescription for his eczema. It did the trick right away and it's so amazing to have a baby with baby-soft skin again! But, he also caught some sort of virus this week and was spiking fevers on and off from Tuesday night until yesterday. Last night was his first fever-free night, so we think it's probably over but it's always a little scary when you don't know what's wrong.
This weekend will be full again, likely. White Rock tonight with some friends, Canada Day tomorrow and Erik's 26th birthday on Sunday!