We love you Noah & Happy Birthday!!
To read about Noah's journey, click here.
Micah was happy to find an endless supply of rocks on site.
This weekend Erik was pretty busy gearing up for his first week on the new job and also doing worship at church (x 3 services!) and even some extra drum recording for our worship pastor, but Micah and I had a pretty relaxing weekend. On Friday night Doug & Elissa drove us to the big annual MCC Sale at the Tradex. For those of you who haven't experienced this, it is like mecca for Mennonites! The place is packed out with people and you can eat your choice of Mennonite delicacies from farmer sausage and perogies to roll kuchen and watermelon. And you literally can't walk five steps without running into somebody you know. It's pretty crazy. I didn't have my camera, but you can check out Kirsten's blog for a picture of us enjoying some pie and ice cream.
Saturday was a pretty quiet day, then Sunday was church and our regular family time in the evening. We were pretty excited to watch the Canadian Idol finale followed by the season premiere of Amazing Race! We were pleased that Eva Avila won (still not Greg Neufeld, but what can you do...)
Today is the 13th of the month which means it marks Micah's 21-month birthday and my 7 months of pregnancy!!! I had my doctor's appt. this morning and all is well. Baby's head is down and heart is beating at 144 bpm. Weight gain is... Well, we won't talk about that - I'll let you be the judge (but please ignore the double-chin!) My doctor just encouraged me today by reminding me that I lost all of it after the last pregnancy :)
The other bit of news is that we seem to be revisiting some sleep issues with Micah. He was doing so well for a while and now he seems to be waking up a lot at night again. He never has a problem going to bed - in fact, "sleep" is one of the words we have to spell around here because as soon as he hears it he runs to his bed and cries for his soother. The problem is waking up at night. Whether he's lost his "nukie" or he's fallen off his mattress or he just decides it's time to wake up for the day (i.e. this morning at 5:30 am)... I thought we were beyond all this! We're going to have to get this straightened out because I can't imagine waking up for two babies once November comes!