This morning was Keziah's 4-month check-up. She is now 25.5 inches long and weighs 14 lbs, 5 oz. Not as much as I had guessed, but she's still in the 75th-95th percentile for her size!
I've been catching up on my Baby Whisperer (BW) reading this week in hopes of solving Keziah's night-waking issues. And yes, the author makes the bold claim on the cover that she will solve ALL my problems!!

Another interesting thing the author mentions in her book is that when babies wake up at the same time every night they are probably waking out of habit and not hunger. BW says that at 4-months babies should be able to sleep at least 6 hour stretches and usually any shorter than that (especially if it's every single night) indicates that they have gotten used to getting fed and have come to depend on that feeding in order to fall back asleep. This sounds like Keziah since she wakes up at around 1:30 every night like clockwork. So one recommendation is to actually wake up before she wakes up (about an hour) and rouse her a little bit to disrupt her sleep pattern in hopes that it will press the "reset" button and she'll sleep through that regular feeding. Once again this goes against my common sense, but at this point I'm willing to give it a shot. I figure I'm sometimes up a half-dozen times in the night with my kids anyway - so what's one more?
I'm not opposed to letting her cry it out a bit either - or trying to rock her to sleep rather than feed her. But her crying often wakes Micah up and he's not in a place right now where I can trust him to settle easily. So, feeding is usually the simplest and quietest solution. But the BW has confirmed my suspicion that Keziah doesn't actually need that feeding, so I'm willing to start taking measures to cut it out.
So, I'm curious, what have you found successful/unsuccessful in getting your kids to sleep through the night? What has been your experience (if any) with the Baby Whisperer techniques?