The week with my parents is over and they are headed back to Manitoba in the morning. It was fun watching Micah interact with them this time. I observed as he grew more and more comfortable and attached to them over the course of the week. It was also fun observing Micah through the eyes of my parents. They commented on the fact that he's willing to try new foods and eats a wide variety of things - Erik and I took that as a compliment since we're always focused on the foods that he
doesn't eat. We also noticed how much Micah sings. He'll get a song in his head and sing it over and over for hours! The favourite this week was "Oh no, you never let go, through the calm and through the storm..." It's a Matt Redman song I think. Anyway, it's Micah's new favourite. He definitely takes after me with his singing. I think me and my sister
Erin sang my parents' ears off as kids.

Our trip to Bellingham was great. We did
lots of shopping. Sleeping was an adventure as always but at least we had a separate room from my parents. Keziah had some bowel issues and filled her diaper about 5 times a day - not excluding the nighttime.
The kids LOVED the water though...

On Friday night we found out that my brother and his wife finally had their baby boy, Judah Daniel who weighed in at 9 lbs, 4 oz. Congrats to Joel, Laura and big sisters Maddy & Olivia!

Sunday was my 28th birthday - I agree with Kelly that 28 seems like an old number. How will it feel to turn 29? And then 30? I still feel like I'm 18 most days. Erik brought me "breakfast in bed" so to speak. He went to the continental breakfast buffet and loaded up a tray of food for the four of us to share :)

After I snapped those pictures, I figured I needed one of the birthday day girl. So, this is lovely me first thing on my birthday morning:

I have to add, Erik has improved drastically in the birthday present department since we first met. He bought me three great shirts and then let me buy a pair of shoes that I had been eyeing.
The shopping tuckered us all out. Micah had enough on Sunday morning as we were picking up some final things and fell asleep in the bottom of the Sears cart:

Granny had some fun painting Micah's fingers and toes yesterday. Erik wasn't very impressed.

We finally had a sunny day today. My mom and I took Micah to Mill Lake and he had fun throwing rocks at the ducks:

I wanted a picture of my dad with the kids and this was the best I could do (check out Micah's pretty fingers...):

Keziah & Grandpa:

She gets cuter and cuter every day!

We bought a new carseat for Micah and finally upgraded Keziah to Micah's old one. They were both quite pleased and we snapped a picture in our living room this afternoon.

We also celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend with Erik's family. It was pretty low key this year in light of all that we've been through these last few months. Although they are joys for us and things to be thankful for, they all seem over-shadowed by a grief that still feels so fresh.
Now it's back to a normal week for us as my parents head home. I realized today that Micah has kept his underwear totally dry for the last few days. We've been so busy that I didn't notice! That's something to be thankful for since it's been a long haul since the accident in July when everything in his little life went into upheaval. He's also been sleeping better and is way less anxious about being apart from me or Erik. It will still be awhile until we can leave him in KidsQuest (Sunday School) without one of us, but for now we'll take what we can get :)
Anyway, that's enough for tonight. Hope you all have a blessed week...