Happy Birthday Keziah!

I still feel shocked that Keziah is a year old already. She's my baby! But the calendar doesn't lie... One year ago today I was pacing the hospital halls waiting for my induction to "kick in". It wasn't until the doctor came in to break my water around 8 pm that things started happening. Keziah was born in record time - about 75 minutes later - at 9:15 pm. I can still remember the wonderful and surreal realization that I had a baby girl!
I browsed through the pictures from this past year and pulled out a few favourites from each month of Keziah's first year:
November 2006 - Newborn

December 2006 - 1 month

January 2007 - 2 months

February 2007 - 3 months

March 2007 - 4 Months

April 2007 - 5 months

May 2007 - 6 months

June 2007 - 7 months

July 2007 - 8 months

August 2007 - 9 months

September 2007 - 10 months

October 2007 - 11 months

November 2007 - 1 year!

Keziah is pretty average for her size, resting in the 50th percentile for her weight and 75th for her height. This week she weighed in at 20 lbs, 10 oz and was 30 inches in length. When I looked back to Micah's 12 month stats, he was almost exactly the same: 21 lbs and 30 inches.
Keziah still has only 2 bottom teeth but eats pretty much anything we give her. She'll take gigantic chomps from a banana but always manages to get it all down :) She is a good eater but is recently in the "food-dropping" phase (eat one bite, drop one bite...) and we have to do a pretty good sweep job after every meal. She is down to three cups of milk per day, some in a bottle but most in a sippy cup.

We thought Keziah might be walking or at least taking some steps by her birthday, but it looks like it's not going to happen - unless she decides to do it yet today! She seems quite happy to crawl though, so that's fine with us for now.

Keziah is our serious child who doesn't smile easily for others and has rarely laughed until recently. She loves her big brother even though they seem to be always at each other. Micah's a big tease and Keziah's a little over-dramatic :) Her favourite toys these days are books, blankets, clothes, shoes and pretty much anything that Micah is playing with. She has developed an interest in the Baby Einstein videos and, in our house, they are played daily at 4 pm :)
I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter and look forward to deepening my relationship with her as she continues to grow up before our eyes. My prayer is that she would be both confident and kind-hearted with a love for Jesus and for others. I am excited to see how the coming years will shape her as a person and I pray that God would make me into the mother that she needs.
Happy Birthday Keshnooku, Bunny Bear, K-Diddy, Koo-Koo Bear, etc... :)