This week was a long and exhausting one. A week where the trials of motherhood seemed to outweigh the triumphs. But there are
always some highlights and pictures to blog about.

Monday night we joined "the siblings" for public skating at MRC. Erik has taken Micah before but this was my first time skating in at least 5 years. Thankfully it's not something you forget how to do. But I did forget how uncomfortable skates can be. Maybe my feet have grown a little bit? (I hear having babies can do that to you...)
Micah was wearing his bob skates and using the push-bar thingy. He kept his head down and plugged away at a snail's pace for about an hour and a half. He even yelled at me when I tried to help him.

The bob skates are great for helping Micah stand, but they don't offer much grip on the ice to take off and glide. So, we might transition him to real skates sooner than we thought. It's crazy to think that in a year we could be trying Keziah on the bob skates!

We were allowed to take our stroller on the ice which worked out great. Keziah loved breezing around the rink in that thing. It was kind of nice for me to have my own "push-bar" to keep me on my feet :)

I thought Keziah would get cranky and bored after awhile, but by the time we were half done, this was the scene in her stroller:

Considering how she's been lately, this was a beautiful sight. I told Erik we'd have to go skating every week!
One of my greatest frustrations this week has been swimming lessons which are on Mondays & Wednesdays. Last Wednesday's lesson hadn't ended so well (after a water-up-the-nose incident), so when the lesson started on Monday, Micah started crying, and he didn't stop for the whole lesson! I tried everything I could to get him to calm down but he was SO worked up. The annoying part was that as soon as the 1/2 hour was up and the teacher dismissed the class, Micah's tears disappeared. He turned into a happy little camper and wanted to keep playing in the pool. So, I really tried to prepare him for a better experience on Wednesday. We talked about it a ton, we read a book about a little girl who has swimming lessons and asks God to help her be brave, we practiced his "moves" in the hot tub. But it was all a wasted effort when Wednesday rolled around and our regular teacher wasn't there. As soon as Micah saw the substitute, he freaked out once again and we had a repeat performance. I'm not quite sure what to do with this. But, I decided it would good to go to the pool just for fun and try to "reset" his mind a little bit. So, today Erik and I took the kids for a family swim. We got to take Micah down the big waterslide and enjoy the waves in the big pool. I let Micah wear his water wings and he felt so confident jumping in and swimming around. So, we'll see... Does anyone have any other tips for me?

Micah and Erik had a "guys night" on Tuesday which included popcorn and dominoes:

On Wednesday night we went for a drive and ended up at Costco. Being the bad parents that we are, we let our kids enjoy some good ol' Costco ice cream at about 8:30 pm. I love how cross-eyed Micah is in this shot:

Keziah has been her darling self this week (do you hear the sarcasm?). She really is a tough little cookie and it's exhausting! She will whine at my feet and then as soon as I pick her up, she turns on the charm; jabbering away and smiling. It's so frustrating and so cute at the same time. We are quite immune to her crying already. Today she seemed to break out of it for a bit and played quite contentedly for an hour or two. I found myself rushing through my tasks, waiting for when I would be interrupted by her crying. And when I wasn't interrupted I would rush to see why she was so quiet and make sure she was OK!
Sometimes we wonder if she has more bothering her than just teething. It's so tough to say. She's usually a great sleeper and her bodily functions seem to be in good working order. She has weeks where she is a completely different baby and her "off" weeks seems to coincide with teeth under her gums. We just never dealt with this much crying from Micah, and it makes us wonder why she seems to fuss so much more.
I think I posted a chocolately picture of her last week, but who could resist taking another picture of this chocolate-covered baby?

For being a water-hating feline, our cat sure loves hanging around the bathtub. When I shower, she'll sit on the ledge and watch the water streaming down or pace back and forth on the edge of the tub between the shower curtains. She loves watching the kids in the tub and Micah has managed to pull her into the water with them a couple of times already. Surprisingly, the kitty always comes back for more!

I think Keziah has some Shrek-like qualities in this picture :)

This turned into a longer post than I thought, but I guess there was a lot to say :) Here's hoping that next week will be a better one!