Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better this afternoon and thought I'd finally post all (or most anyway) of my trip pictures. We left Abbotsford on the 19th and the kids were actually really good on those flights. We had TVs on every flight and they were a life saver. I didn't have any headphones along but Micah didn't seem to care that he couldn't hear any sound. I didn't know if I'd get away with that for the whole trip, but I did! It kind of worked in my favour that both kids had colds when we left because I could medicate them guilt-free :) They both slept a bit on those flights and were generally pretty relaxed. I felt very proud that we made it without any major incident! I also loved watching Micah experience everything. He was so chatty with the flight attendants and other passengers and he even got to go up to see the cockpit when we boarded. It was a really fun day for him.
We arrived in Winnipeg to an incredibly cold day. I helped my dad put the carseats in the car and felt like my fingers were going to fall off. I don't think the kids knew what to do with the cold and that wind that takes your breath away! My parents drove us all to the hospital next to see Noah and my sister Nichole. At that point Noah was still on a ventilator but no longer on the oscillator. He was still in ICU at that point and pretty sedated but everyone kept saying that he already looked SO much better than he had a few days earlier. I was thankful that the high stress of the previous week had settled considerably and I could be there to enjoy Noah's improvement. I forgot to bring my camera in that day but I got some pictures of him a few days later which you'll see later in the post.
Then we headed off to my sister Erin's house where we stayed for the next few nights. Micah had fun playing with their three kids but I saw some definite introverted qualities come out in him while we were there. He seemed to need his alone time which is something he gets from me :) It was so cold outside that we basically stayed indoors for those days (which is probably what contributed to the breeding of the sickness to come!) but Erin and I did manage to get out by ourselves for an Old Navy shopping trip. It was fun to go without kids and we tried on all sorts of things that we wouldn't have normally tried :) I also got to be there to celebrate Erin's 27th birthday!
Micah found his dream toy at their house - Aidan's kid-sized drum kit:
Micah & Liam watching TV from Granny & Grandpa's blow-up bed in the basement. I can just imagine the flu germs that were breeding...
Keziah being silly in Auntie Erin's high chair.
Three peas in a pod: Cassidy, Micah & Liam having a snack and watching a show.
The last evening we were there, Nichole's husband Brad came over with their other two kids. It was so good to see them. All the cousins are very used to playing with each other, but Micah was a bit overwhelmed by all the activity! But he did end up having fun with his cousins that night. I'm kicking myself for not taking any pictures that evening, though. I realized when I came home that I had no pictures of Kailyn and Josh :(
My parents and I headed to Boissevain with the kids on Friday morning and they did pretty well on the 3-hour drive considering they're rarely strapped in the car for more than 45 minutes at a time. We drove through an area with probably over a hundred wind turbines. I had never seen them in Manitoba before and it was pretty neat. Micah enjoyed them too.
Micah was so excited to see all of the new things at Grandpa & Granny's house and busied himself for the afternoon with different toys and things. Keziah's cold was really bad that day. Here she is watching Baby Einstein in Granny's basement.
Things were going great until right before supper when Micah suddenly threw up without warning. I figured it could only last 24 hours at the most - since that's been our recent experience with flus, but the next night rolled around and he was still throwing up. My brother Joel and sister-in-law Laura came over that evening to see us and Micah was not very good company for his cousins. It was still really good to see them though.
I met my nephew Judah for the first time:
Livvy & Maddy eating chocolate in their pj's after a dip in the hot tub:
We wanted a picture of the cousins together but I had to be in the picture in order for Micah to stay on the couch with everyone. Doesn't he look so pathetic?
I took this picture of the two of us and Micah was NOT impressed!
On Sunday my parents arranged that I could still go to church and see some people and they took turns staying with Micah. It was good for Keziah and I to get out of the house that morning.
We kept waiting for Micah to start feeling better and then when he was still throwing up on Monday morning we decided to take him to see the doctor in town. I think just getting out of the house was good for Micah. He seemed to forget his sickness for a little while. I drove past Boissevain's huge turtle statue (Tommy) and that excited him! He screamed while the nurses and doctor examined him (which didn't surprise me in the least) but when he knew the doctor was done he calmed down right away and even chatted with the nurses who gave him stickers afterwards :) I decided to take him to the Co-op for a slurpee since I figured that would be something he would want to drink but while we were in there he started throwing up again. Thankfully there wasn't anything left in his tummy at that point and therefore no mess to clean up! And that actually ended up being the last time he threw up after who knows how many times!
Keziah checking on the sick patient:The doctor said it was just a nasty flu and not to worry about food but to give him sugary drinks to keep up his calorie intake and fluids. That was reassuring since Micah hadn't kept any food down for three whole days. On Monday night when we were about to eat supper I put him in the living room with a video (TV was my best friend during his sickness!) and he started crying and crying and said, "but what can I eat for supper?" I was shocked! I said he could eat anything he wanted and he asked for a meatball :) He had seen Granny make them for supper and apparently decided this was how he was going to break his fast! So he ate a whole meatball and it seemed like the biggest deal! An hour later he had 1/2 piece of toast - Hallelujah! After that things started to improve but Micah definitely lost some weight through the whole ordeal.
Keziah definitely wasn't herself that weekend either, but compared to Micah's sickness it didn't seem like a big deal. Here she is playing with one of her favourite toys from Granny's house:
A snuggle and a story with Granny:
We had planned to head back to Winnipeg on Tuesday but decided to wait the extra day since Micah was barely starting to feel better and we hadn't even been able to do any of the fun things that we had planned! So, on Tuesday we bundled up (it was only about -4 or something) and played outside. Micah's energy was definitely not up to par at that point, but I think the fresh air was good for him and he still had fun.
Erik's old dog Sheba who has since retired to our farm:
I couldn't convince Micah to go on the snowmobile with Grandpa like we had planned, but I did pull him around on our old toboggan which he loved.

The one thing that made Micah happy while he was sick was sitting in Granny & Grandpa's hot tub. I was a little hesitant since he was feverish at times, but it was definitely a much-needed diversion. We took this pictures after our outdoor adventure when he was feeling better. What a scrawny kid he is!
Finally able to enjoy all those toys at Granny's house!
I also got the chance to see my childhood best friend, Erin, and her daughter Sadie. It was so good to see her and I only wished it could've been longer!
Keziah saying good-bye to Sheba:
We said good-bye to my Dad and then my mom drove us back to Winnipeg on Wednesday morning. I had hoped to see my blogging friend Amber and maybe even some other Rosenort girls, but after the flu ordeal I just ran out of time. I will definitely have to make it work next time I come out east!!
We headed back to see Noah who had since started breathing on his own and was moved from ICU to his regular ward in the hospital. He was totally alert and happy to see us. It was hard to imagine how critical he was just a week or so earlier.
The kids loved all the toys he had in his bed to play with. We let Keziah join him for awhile and I took a video: