I thought I'd share some random things from the past week. We are "camera-less" right now so there are no recent pictures to post, but I do have a few from the past month that I haven't posted yet.
The progress on the treehouse is quite significant. The ladder, walls and railing make it safe for Micah to use now. It just needs a roof to be complete. We've also decided to make a sandbox underneath the treehouse. It looks really good so far and I'll be sure to take some pictures of it when I get a chance.
Oreo is definitely with child - or should I say with kitty (or kitties?). I am guessing (from my farm cat experience) that she will deliver any day now and I have become a doting "grandmother"; not letting her stay outside for too long, making a little birthing box for her, feeling her little tummy when the babies are kicking... Even Erik has taken a protective role - he was genuinely worried about her the other night when she wouldn't come inside :) So, if anybody wants a kitten, let us know! We're not sure what we'll do with the litter, but for now we're just going to wait for the new little bundles and enjoy them for awhile. We'll definitely get some pictures of the kittens when they arrive.

Keziah has finally started to attempt some words. In the last couple of weeks she has learned to say things like 'banana', 'teeth', 'up' and 'cheese'. And just this afternoon she said 'apple'. Of course, none of the words sound yet like they are supposed to, but I can understand her and I'm glad to see her attempting. She is becoming a very "rough and tumble" little girl. She'll climb right on top of Micah if he's watching TV or waking up from a nap. He gets so frustrated with her and I don't really blame him! Keziah's quite the little biter as well, and we are all wary when she "nuzzles" her head into us. So far, she has displayed a very intense and dramatic personality. It's interesting (and a little scary) to wonder how this will play itself out as she grows up!

For interest's sake, here's a current picture of Keziah next to one of her from a year ago:

And a current picture of both kids to compare with one from last year:

Micah's been working on his letters. He is very easily frustrated when he can't do things perfectly, and we have to stress the idea that
practice makes perfect :)

In the last couple of weeks we had the opportunity to look after our friends' son a few times while they were here in Abbotsford for meetings. Babysitting him was like having 2 Keziahs around. Funny how they were both attracted to the same things: an open dishwasher, my bag of onions in the pantry, Keziah's sock drawer... Here they are enjoying a snack together:

Anyway, that's all to report for today. I'm hoping to enjoy a relaxing evening with Erik while we catch up on the second season of "Lost"...