I've added some lovely wedding pictures just for you

Today marks 7 years since Erik & I tied the knot. Hard to believe how much time has passed! Unfortunately we didn't do much to mark the occasion but hopefully we'll get a chance to go out together in the next little while.

Speaking of weddings, we are in full-fledged planning mode around here. Keith and Kristi (along with the rest of the family) have decided to move the wedding date to August - yep, of this year - which is less than 6 weeks away! It sounds crazy, but the plans are coming into place; a dress is purchased, invitations are almost in the mail and a venue is booked! We're all looking forward to the big day!
Last week was a full week with Vacation Bible School every morning. Micah was in the preschooler class that Rosanna and I led and he loved it! The theme was "Power Lab" and every day the kids learned some fun science stuff that helped them understand the power of God. We were even able to put our kids into kid-sized bubbles! Too bad I didn't bring my camera that day!
Here is my "Little Bubbler" with his thinking cap on:

Rosanna enraptured the kids each morning with the Bible story for the day. I was surprised how much knowledge Micah retained. Here is Micah listening intently as Auntie Rosanna tells the story of the men in Acts who had fire on their heads and starting speaking in different languages (one of our preschoolers later recalled to us that there was fire everywhere and it burned everyone!):

Keziah spent the mornings in the nursery and did very well - despite being overly tired by the time we drove home each day. On the last day, they brought all the nursery kids into the final singing time. Here she is trying to do some of the actions:

Last week we said farewell to the last of our kittens. And after some thought we decided to say farewell to Oreo as well. We sent her off to the SPCA (along with a small fee) where hopefully she will find herself a new home. It's kind of nice to have a pet-free home for the first time in awhile.
A "potty-trained" kitten :)

We've had some new fun developments in our backyard. Erik finished off the sandbox under the treehouse and hauled in a bunch of nice sand to fill it up. Keziah is unfortunately dumping it out of the sandbox one shovel-full at a time :)

Keziah had an interesting experience yesterday when she held a shovel-full of dirt above her head and poured it onto her face with mouth and eyes wide open! She was not pleased! Despite a thorough rinsing we were still finding sand in her nose and ears this morning.

We also reclaimed Erik's childhood trampoline that had been living with a family in Calgary since Erik's parents moved here. It's a bit of an eye-sore in the backyard and needs new mats for the the springs, but it has already provided hours of entertainment! Pictures of that will have to come in a future post.
Keziah loves the wading pool and I have to watch her because she'll climb in when she's fully clothed. This particular day was not a warm one and the water was pretty chilly. The look on her face tells me she may not be having as much fun as she thought...

Erik and I were on the music team at church this past weekend for the first time in a LONG time. For Erik it was the first time since the accident last year and for me it was the first time since Micah was just a baby (other than a couple of special events). I felt a little out of place at first and wondered why I was there, but I had felt strongly that this was what God was wanting me to do. By the end of the 2nd service on Sunday I felt so thankful for the opportunity and excited to do it again. Doug and Elissa graciously watched our kids on Sat p.m. and Sun a.m. while we were occupied with church stuff. They kept the kids pretty busy and even managed to get the cousins in on a bath together:

We had a bit of drama this morning. Micah decided to deal with his anger by throwing one of his toy cars at Keziah's head. She came away with a gash that perfectly matches the one Micah himself got
when we were in Calgary. She might've been able to use a stitch or two, but we're hoping her hair will hide any scar that might be left.
Now we're almost half-way through another week already. This coming weekend marks the
one-year anniversary of the day that ended Nathan's life on earth and forever changed all the rest of
our lives. We'll be spending Sunday together as a family - reflecting and remembering Nate. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts that are being sent our way.