The snow started on Wednesday morning and didn't stop! A little friend was here that day and after an unsuccessful attempt at taking the kids outside, I remembered an idea that I heard about from a friend on facebook. Instead of bundling her kids up to go outside, she brings the snow inside to them. So, while Micah played outside by himself, the younger 2 each happily played with their bucket-full of snow inside. I added some food colouring to make it more interesting. I think they thought it was snack time...

Erik stayed home yesterday (Thursday) - not because he couldn't make it to work (he's been working at his parent's house), but because the one tool he needed for his day couldn't be transported to him. So, it was nice having him around, but it means sacrificing Saturday with him since he will have to work tomorrow now.
Erik spent the day entertaining the kids which allowed me to do a few things. Since I still have some room in my stocked-up freezers, I made a big batch of my mom's corn chowder. While I was cooking away, this is what Erik and the kids were doing upstairs:
(the kids never seem to stay fully-clothed when Daddy's in charge)
They also had a puzzle party and put together every single puzzle they could find.
We have been saying all winter that we should get some sort of sled for the kids, but we keep thinking that the snow will be done anytime. Well, finally we went to Canadian Tire yesterday and found ourselves a plastic sled. Erik took the kids to the park in the afternoon to test it out. He didn't feel like taking the camera, so there are unfortunately no pictures of that expedition.
That's all to report today. Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks pregnant and considered full term! As exciting as that is, I am totally preparing myself for a full month of pregnancy yet. At least I know that this baby will for sure be here by the end of March!