They've started giving new parents a DVD about crying when you leave the hospital with your newborn. There really isn't a whole lot of information in it that's new to me, but I did learn that the peak crying period for babies is between 2-6 weeks. So, we are right in the midst of it! It's reassuring to know that it can't really get any worse than this. Silas is a pretty good baby but there has been a lot more crying in the last week. Mostly as he struggles to get himself to sleep and stay sleeping. If I can persevere and get him to have his whole nap (instead of giving in and letting him wake early) he will take in a much better feed, be more content and be able to stay awake for longer. Of course, hearing him cry is easier said than done...
Catching a little cat nap by the window:
He continues to do quite well at night - giving me 4 hours minimum and sometimes 5 (one night almost 6!) The problem last week was that for the next half of the night he wanted to get up every hour or 2. I figured it was probably because he was sleepy and wasn't taking in a full feed in the middle of the night so I've started unwrapping him and sometimes changing him after his long stretch so that he'll nurse for longer. So far it seems to be working.
This kid loves the swing - thank goodness!
I'm really trying to be intentional with the older kids to give them their "mommy time". It's easy with Micah since him and I have time to ourselves when Keziah is sleeping. We often play Candy Land or work on activity books for part of that time. But it's a little more tricky with Keziah. The only time I have alone with her is when we've put Micah to bed (he still goes down before she does). So, I'm going to try to use that time to read books with her and give her some focused attention so she knows that Mama still loves her! She calls me Mama all the time now, and what's really cute about it is that she emphasizes the 2nd syllable instead of the first :)
I bought her these new jammies over the weekend and I LOVE them:
My creative juices have been flowing as I try to think of activities to keep everyone busy and happy these days:

We've also been enjoying some sunny spring weather!
I realized that I don't have a single picture of myself since I left the hospital a month ago. Erik never takes pictures. But Micah is a very willing photographer!
Keziah being a goof:
A little bit better:
On a side note, Erik came home with this little beauty the other night:
I am thrilled to have a 2nd TV for our bedroom - especially with hockey playoffs coinciding with shows like "The Biggest Loser"!
Also, if you can get a good look at the cabinets in our kitchen, Erik has been working hard to refinish them. They were an "early 90's" style when we moved in. Erik took off the doors and framed each one and repainted them. We just need to add some new hardware, but they already look so fresh and new! It really makes a big difference in our kitchen.
Anyway, I hear my youngest mewing for his milk so I'm off...