It's time to finally finish posting all the pictures from our road trip to Manitoba. There are just too many great ones to share...
Baking with Granny:

Keziah and Daisy:

We often didn't know where to put Silas as we didn't have a swing or bouncy seat, but the stroller came in handy:

We also rigged this cushiony seat in the high chair :)

Hanging out in the boppy pillow was also enjoyable:

Especially when he could watch Micah and Granny play this classic hockey game:

Keziah (and Silas) having a little watermelon picnic in the backyard:

My parents' backyard - so beautiful and lush!

Erik and Micah had some fun with guns - not sure how I feel about it, but I guess boys will be boys!

Erik and Micah worked one day replacing boards on my parents' deck and prepping it for a new coat of paint:

Erik also replaced the set of stairs in my parents' garage:

Some scenes from the farm ...

Posing by an old fire truck in town. Micah dubbed it "Mater":

On our last evening we got the chance to ride in my parents' pontoon boat. Joel, Laura and their kids were able to join us as well. It was a beautiful evening and we had a lot of fun. Here we are getting ready to head out:

You can see my parents' cabin in the background - the brown one hidden up in the trees:

My dad telling an animated story:

Granny and Keziah:

Micah got a chance to drive the boat:

Then it was Keziah's turn to be captain:

Silas was totally content for the ride and eventually fell asleep:

Maddy acting like her crazy self:

Olivia showing off her beautiful smile:

Judah choking on his life jacket :)

I had to post a picture of Boissevain's claim to fame - a giant turtle statue named Tommy. The picnic table to the right of Tommy can give you an idea of how big he is:

The next morning we were off again. We spent the first day getting to Herbert. While we were in Regina we had some time to kill so we stopped when we spotted a Petland and an Old Navy right beside each other. Erik noticed some ladies struggling to change a tire and offered to help while I took the kids to Petland. It turns out that the women were from out of town and had been praying for an "angel" to come along and help them. Erik was pretty pumped that he could bless them in that way. Then a few minutes later while we were in Old Navy we ran into our good friend, Jen. She took us to surprise her husband, Craig (Erik's best friend from Bethany) who was still at work. It was a lot of fun!
Here's me getting cozy with Big Bird:

Erik trying to pass the time:

Sleepy kids:

I finally had to take my turn driving because Erik was so exhausted. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get much sleep with three demanding kids in the backseat...

Day 2 of driving was LONG - almost 24 hours on the road. We took a few long breaks - some planned, some not (i.e. getting stopped just outside of Golden for close to an hour while they blasted some rock up ahead). One of the more pleasureable stops was at beautiful Lake Louise:

By the time we got to Kamloops it was midnight and Erik was totally spent. So I stepped up to the plate and drove the entire last stretch to Abbotsford - thank goodness for 4-lane highway and very little traffic!
So that concludes the pictures from our epic road trip adventure. Completely exhausting but totally worth it!