My little boy is off to preschool!

Monday was Micah's first real preschool day. Him and I went together last Friday for parent orientation and an informal playtime for the kids. I think I was more nervous than he was. As a kid I never would've thought that parents would feel insecure and the need to fit in. But it's like
our first day at school too. You smile shyly at all the other moms and hope that they like you :)

On Monday I dropped him off for his regular 2 and a half hour class and he did great. He had absolutely no problem with me leaving. I'm
sure it wouldn't have been this easy a year ago! When I picked him up I bombarded him with questions but didn't get too much out of him. I
did find out that he went pee twice, put up his hand to ask a question in circle time, and that 2 of the other kids brought yogurt tubes for snack.

Unfortunately Micah came down with something yesterday and still wasn't feeling well enough to go to school this morning. I wondered if part of it was nervousness about going, but when I asked him he said he
wished he could go to school, but his tummy just hurt. So hopefully he'll be back to himself on Friday.
The other excitement in Micah's life these days is a new friend. We met a boy who lives down the street in our townhouse complex. His name is Julian and he's 5. And he is outside riding his bike
every waking moment (when he's not in school). Micah and him have started having races - Julian on his bike (no training wheels) and Micah on his tricycle. Julian beats him every time of course but Micah doesn't seem to mind. I'm sure Micah would love to be outside with him all day but I don't feel totally confident letting him play out there without me supervising. From inside the house I don't have a good view of the area where they like to play. And I'm not sure I trust Julian to be super careful after I've observed him whipping around the complex. So, I've been heading outside with the kids in the later afternoon when Julian's sure to be home from school.

Anyway, Micah doesn't know yet but we've ordered him an early birthday present with our airmiles - a spiderman bike with training wheels. He's getting too big for the trike and Keziah is ready to inherit it. I'm sure he'll be pretty excited once he realizes he can keep up with his new friend.

Even though other kids Micah's age are in kindergarten already (and riding bikes without training wheels), it feels to me like it's all happening so fast! When did this kid grow up??