I'm not sure how the rest of Canada has experienced these olympics, but here in BC the excitement is palpable! I never expected it to be this exciting. And I actually didn't think I'd even want to head into Vancouver to see the sights. But after hearing about all our friends and family who were going in, Erik and I knew we would regret it if we didn't take the opportunity to experience it for ourselves.
We finally had our chance to head downtown on Tuesday. After many days of beautiful sunny weather, we were disappointed to have to go in on such a rainy, windy day. But we donned our winter jackets and umbrellas, packed extra clothes and off we went! Silas got to stay back with Grandma which was very helpful - and it ended up working out for us to meet up with some friends at the sky train station on the way in.
The 40-minute train ride in was fun - we had never done this before and the kids loved it. Plus at this point we were still warm and dry :)
An awkward picture with a beluga mascot from the Vancouver Aquarium.

Waiting for our turn to get an unobstructed view of the Olympic cauldron. One bonus to rainy, cold days? Short line-ups.
A shot of the olympic rings lit up in gold for the medal we got in women's ski-cross that day.
Micah wondered how the cauldron could keep burning in the rain.
Thumbs up with my XL Olympic mitts - the only size left at Zellers last week :)
We walked around a little bit, getting pretty wet. This picture makes me laugh. At first glance it's a nice shot, but I urge you to take a closer look at the kids' faces.
Posing in front of the CTV broadcast station on Robson & Burrard. I would've loved to stick around long enough to watch them do a live broadcast, but the cold and the wet overpowered that desire.
Security guards manning the CTV centre.

After watching a couple people on the zip-line we found a Chapters and plopped ourselves in the corner to dry out and re-fuel. I'm sure our impromptu family picnic in a store wouldn't have been allowed on any normal day, but thankfully those regular rules didn't seem to apply :) It was at this point in the day when Keziah started melting down - something about her pants being re-wy soaked... And we knew the excursion was drawing to a close.

My future olympic bob-sledder.

My future olympic weird ski/figure-skating type person ??

The lanterns - I'm sure they'd look beautiful all lit up at night.

Up close.

A crazy piece of art. We decided it looked like crumpled up tin-foil.
Gi-normous Canadian flag.

Catching the sky train home. It was a little more crowded on the way home but the kids did great!
Yay Vancouver 2010!