We just enjoyed one of those perfect spring days that ended with an equally perfect spring evening. We were still comfortable in our shorts and t-shirts as we enjoyed a picnic supper and a walk around Mill Lake tonight. There were plenty of new baby goslings and ducklings to spot and a brand new playground to enjoy. Everything is green and growing like crazy. But I think my favourite part of spring this year has been the smell. Especially the rain. Spring rain definitely smells different than winter rain. I love having the windows open and letting the freshness seep in.
I'll have to upload the pictures from tonight's park excursion another day. But for now, I've got some others to share, including a few cute ones of Silas. He learned to hold his own bottle since his birthday:
Also, he got his first buzz cut last week. We had to make it pretty quick considering he screamed the whole time:

After it was done, he suddenly looked a lot more like a toddler than a baby. And he also suddenly looked a whole lot more like Micah.
But despite how cute and happy he looks here, he actually got sick with a high fever later that night and ended up on antibiotics for a throat/ear infection. Thankfully now he seems back to his smiley-Siley little self.
Erik has been working hard building some new furniture for our place. I've been wanting a new TV cabinet for awhile, but Erik went the extra mile and built a new dining room table and bench at the same time :) I feel pretty blessed to have such a talented husband who can build beautiful things.

The table is a bit big for our space right now.
So now I'm on the look-out for some new chairs. Here are a few from Ikea that I'm considering:
The first one is black-brown, the second one black, and the 3rd one would need to be stained to match the table.
The new TV cabinet:
Silas discovering the new TV cabinet.
The kids are enjoying the surface space that the new table provides.
Micah found our Settlers game the other day, so I made up a game he could play - rolling the dice and building roads and cities on the corresponding numbers :)
And a classic picture of Keziah. She can be found - at any point of the day - lounging face-down like this on the floor. She does this sometimes on the carpet, but she seems to prefer the dirty, cold laminate in the kitchen. She does it mostly when she's tired, but it's not limited to tiredness.
She just lies there for a few minutes with this glazed look in her eye. And then she'll get up and go on with her day. She's definitely a funny one, that girl :)