Saturday, July 31, 2010
July will always be a month for remembering.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Slowly but Surely
Silas is finally making some progress in the walking department...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Prairie Goodness
We've been thoroughly enjoying our summer so far. The kids and I have been taking advantage of the warm weather, the big yard and Granny's garden. Erik has been working some long days at the cabin but is loving every minute of it (you can check out the renovation progress in my facebook album). Being here brings back so many memories of growing up and it's fun for me to re-live my childhood through this prairie summer on the farm...
Manitoba summers are about endless yellow fields and bike-rides down the lane.

Manitoba summers are about bonfires on the yard...
... and mosquitos :P
And don't forget the s'mores!
Manitoba summers are about taking evening walks to watch storm clouds give way to beautiful sunsets...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
We've been enjoying the days and days of warm weather here. The kids have been having fun on the farm and spending some time with their cousins. And most of the fun seems to center around water!
Water on the trampoline is the favourite for most of the kids.
Except for Keziah, who prefers splashing by herself in the wading pool.
Silas and Charlie cooling off in the shade.
And Micah & Keziah have been busy with swimming lessons last week and this week. Micah is in "Salamander" - which I was worried about, but he is being super brave!

Keziah was unwilling to go in the water without me, so I put her in the "Sea Turtle" class - which is fine except it means that I have to go in the water too.
Keziah was unwilling to go in the water without me, so I put her in the "Sea Turtle" class - which is fine except it means that I have to go in the water too.
The kids don't seem to have a problem putting their heads under the water, but I think Micah's having trouble with his front float. We'll find out on Friday if they passed or not. The most important thing is that they're really enjoying their lessons - which is such a relief after the last few years of Micah being terrified of swimming lessons!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
July Celebrations

The July long weekend was full of celebrations. First there was Canada Day, of course. We took the kids into town to watch the fireworks and were quite impressed! In fact, they were possibly even slightly better than Abbotsford's since we didn't have to listen to cheesy music playing the whole time.
Then, Erik turned 30 on July 2nd. Despite it being a huge milestone birthday, the day was pretty low key - some of my family joined us and we enjoyed some of Erik's favourite foods - pulled-pork fajitas (too bad the Boissevain Co-op didn't have the ingredients for fresh salsa) and fruit pizza for dessert.

Here's a close-up of my fruit pizza masterpiece :) Maybe you'll remember his birthday post from 4 years ago when I made another birthday fruit pizza with Erik's name written in kiwis.
On July 3rd we went to Lake Metigoshe with my parents and my sister Nichole's family for a picnic supper and boat ride.
Silas has been practicing his standing - he's still leaning against the cooler in this picture, but is getting more confident on his feet. He's finally taken a few steps all on his own just in the last few days.
Lake Metigoshe is a huge lake. A small corner of it is in Canada (which is where my parents' cabin is) but the majority of the lake is in the US (North Dakota). Every year they have a big fireworks show over the water during the July 4th weekend. Hundreds of boats gather out on the lake and wait for it to get dark. This was a first for our family - and definitely something that should become a yearly tradition!
Canadian & proud of it!
Boats gathering to watch the ski show that was taking place a few hours before the fireworks.
Grandpa got a bit of a break while Silas took the wheel.
Getting cozy in the boat.
Silas finally succumbed to sleep.
Waiting for it to get dark seemed to take forever! But the neat part was that all the surrounding cabins were setting off their own fireworks - so there was a bit of a "pre-show" to watch.
Erik snuggling with our niece, Kailyn.
Canada Day,
Harder Family,
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Summer Has Arrived
I've forgotten how Manitoba's humidity can make almost any day feel warm. I love waking up in the morning and knowing that I can put on shorts and a tank-top without even checking the weather channel :)
Yes, summer is here. And despite some rain showers & thunder storms (which I know are bad for all the farmers right now but I'm still quietly enjoying them), we've been taking advantage of the warmth.
Yes, summer is here. And despite some rain showers & thunder storms (which I know are bad for all the farmers right now but I'm still quietly enjoying them), we've been taking advantage of the warmth.
Maddy going up to bat at her baseball game.
Cousin Judah had a run-in with a mean mosquito the night before.
Testing out Grandpa's new toy at Lake Metigoshe:
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