Today our little Silas Paul turns 2!
You can read about his actual birth-day HERE. What a snuggly little newborn he was :)
Silas and I spent this morning decorating his birthday cake (made even more special by the home inspector that spent all morning in our house!). Silas enjoyed a little cream cheese icing as part of the deal.

After he made a thorough mess of himself, we cleaned up and headed outside for a birthday walk.
Are ya comin' Mom?

Here are a few random facts about the not-so-little baby of the family:
- He weaned himself from his soother a few months ago. It was already a cut-off version of the original, and I was noticing that he was just holding it in his hand instead of putting it into his mouth. So, one day I just didn't give it to him. And he was fine! If he has to go to sleep without his "dee dee" (blankie) though - not such good results.
- Until recently, this boy HATED bath time with a passion. I learned to bathe him in less than 1 minute because he would scream the entire time. But then he discovered how much fun playing in the sink is. And eventually he realized that being in the tub was like climbing right in the sink and being surrounded by that amazing fluid that is so much fun to pour and splash. The funny thing is that he will NOT sit his bum down in the tub. He will only squat. And stay in one position. And if we try to move him at anytime, he starts to freak out. Oh well. Baby steps, right?

- From birth, Silas has hated crowds and loud, noisy places. If he's a little sick or cranky and we're in a public place or even just at someone's house, he let's us know of his unhappiness. Quite loudly. So, in planning his birthday party I figured I'd keep it low key and just have Erik's family over for some birthday cake tonight.
(Typical boy - finding the one tiny little puddle)
- Silas' one remaning vice (other than his blanket, but that's still a non-issue for me) is his bottle. I've been trying to wean him from it. But the bottle is winning. The other night Silas cried for AN HOUR AND A HALF in his crib because I hadn't given him a bottle. It wasn't that he didn't drink any milk before bed, it's just that it didn't come in the form that he was truly desiring.
At about 9:30 I gave up and let him have it.
I'm weak. I know.
Silas' favourite past-times are:
- playing in the sink until there is a puddle on the floor and his clothes are drenched
- doing anything outside
- watching Baby Einstein, Praise Baby, Barney or High-5
- looking at books with me
- running after his big brother and sister
- practicing his words and sentences -- there are a lot of them!
Happy Birthday Siley-Bear!