This is probably the dilemma of many mothers, but the desire to get things done and the desire to be a good mother often seem to be at war with each other. When I have accomplished a lot during my day I feel a lot of satisfaction. But getting a lot done usually takes its toll on the kids (they watch more TV, get less of my attention, etc). There is a different kind of satisfaction that comes from knowing that I am being consistent with my kids and then seeing them respond to my love and discipline. But those are the days when the house is a disaster and my to-do list is still as long as it was the day before. It's tricky to find a balance.
The kids have been pretty good though. I suddenly realized the other day how much things have changed. The changes always happen so gradually that I often don't recognize how far we've come. But there has been some significant progress. First of all, I've noticed how well Micah & Keziah are getting along. I remember some days I spent putting Micah in the naughty corner over and over for hurting his sister. And Keziah used to be so over-sensitive about things, crying if Micah would even look at her funny. But now she has toughened up a bit. She loves playing rough with him and she thinks the kid is hilarious :)
The other point of progress is how well Micah is going to bed at night. Bedtime with him has been an on-going saga ever since we took away his soothers a year ago. But finally it seems to be a non-issue. He's not napping every day anymore, but he stays in his room for at least an hour of quiet time (about the length of his "Holy God" CD) without putting up a fuss. I think he's just getting older. Even his obedience level has stepped up in the last little while.
Of course, things aren't perfect around here :) Keziah seems to be cutting all of her remaining teeth at once (molars and eye-teeth) so she has some cranky days and rough nights. She is also showing her strong personality more and more - screaming and throwing her body down when she's upset or wants something. I can't remember when we started taking disciplinary actions with Micah, but I'm guessing that we're coming to that point with Keziah.
On the topic of progress, it's neat to see Micah learning new things and applying them. He is generally a pretty good eater but I wanted him to get the idea that we need to eat lots of different kinds of food in order to be healthy. So I found an eating chart that I got from the health unit when I was first pregnant. It has the 4 food groups listed and tabs you can pull out to mark how many servings you've had each day. Micah has really gotten excited about it. The other day we made a smoothie for a snack and he got out the chart so we could figure out what food groups we were getting. Then he asked if there was any meat in the smoothie. So I told him that if we added flax seed (which I've been getting into lately) then we would be having a meat/protein serving. He was all excited to add it in :) And he knows he can't mark a vegetable serving on his chart unless he eats his veggies at supper, so it's working well so far!
We've had some nice days this week and have tried to make the most of them. Usually our excursions include a trip to the park, but unfortunately, for Micah, this was the outcome of one of our walks this week:
He had chosen not to nap that day but was obviously exhausted. He was so upset and disappointed when he woke up and we were back home! And, by the way, my make-shift double stroller seems to still be doing the trick. Up until now I usualy put Keziah in the back, but I've tried switching them around lately. Neither of them seem to mind too much but I still long for a better stroller some days...
Another afternoon this week we took a picnic snack to the park.
Classic boy - finding bugs, digging in dirt, throwing rocks and sticks into cool places...
I'm hoping this weekend will be relaxing after a crazy week. I long to sit down on a warm beach with my journal and try to make sense of my chaotic thoughts. I guess the beach may not be a reality, but hopefully I can find time to just rest and be still this weekend. Perhaps the memory of Maui will be enough to keep me warm...
Great post Jamie! I totally get the wanting to be productive/be a good mom struggle. I think every one of us deals with that on a day to day basis. Just keep trying to find that healthy balance....and a little extra TV doesn't hurt a kid either, and on the other hand, the dishes can wait until tomorrow too! Love the pictures of Micah doing "boy" things...that is SO Tyler right now too!
Glad I am not the only one who struggles with this ;-) I am looking forward to preschool next year for J - hopefully I can get a few things done in that time(esp is G naps during the same time).
I love Micah's hat.
Balance is something I lack. Often my house is a disaster because I spend most of my days on my knees playing with Isaiah. I finally wore a hole in my jeans. It will be hard going to BC for two weeks and having to be busy and not spending all that time with him. I am excited to see how well he plays with Keziah since she's aroudn the same age as James and those two see a lot of each other.
Journaling is something I need to get into again. Lately I've found blogging so much easier and quicker than writing so it's become my journal and listening ear.
That's awesome about using the food guide to explain healthy eating to Micah! I'm in nutrition, so I get excited about things like that :). Thought you might like to know that if you go to and click on Create My Food Guide, Micah can make and print a food guide based on his age and favourite foods.
Thanks so much for the update Jamie, and the kids look like they have frown tons. I know you are my daughter, when you talk about the procrastination. Something I struggle with all the time, and need to work on. Glad the job is going well, and that Micah is eating and sleeping better. That makes life so much better, when your kids sleep throught he night. Keziah is such a cutie,a nd happy that her and Micah are getting along better. Say hi to Erik too. I haven't talked to him forever. Miss you guys so much,a nd if God gives us a miracle here in the next week or 2, we might just make it out there before fall this time. Love you lots, and miss yo so much love mom
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