A few days from now, I'm going to lather on some sunscreen, grab a novel and an armful of snacks and park myself right here...

That's right folks.
On Saturday Erik and I get to leave the kids with Granny & Grandpa and fly to Cancun :)
It turned out to be a partially paid-for trip, in fact, since Erik won free accommodations back in April. I let him go on a Men's Frisbee Golf weekend on Pender Island. Erik wanted to go simply for the love of the game and he didn't realize until they were about to play the final round that the grand prize was actually a week in a time-share in Cancun. He silently prayed for the Lord to give him favour in his frisbee throws (grin) and he won!
The great part is that this comes just in time to celebrate our 10-year anniversary (which is actually on July 15th). We weren't expecting to do anything "special" this year since we knew we'd be buying a house, but God provided us with a great opportunity that we just couldn't pass up.
So... Mexico, aqui vamos!