We had another first in our family. Last week Micah went to camp for the first time!
Turtle Mountain Bible Camp had a Pee-Wee camp for 2 nights and my 6-year-old nephew Liam was already registered. We talked to Micah about it a few times but he was unsure, and we decided not to push it. Then, when he saw all of his older cousins heading off to camp the week before, he told us that he would like to try to go to camp too.
Since Micah has always been our anxious child, fearful of new and/or unknown situations, I wasn't sure how it would go. I was a little worried when his older cousin came home early from camp the week before due to homesickness. But it didn't seem to deter him. Then, my other concern was that Micah and Liam don't always see eye-to-eye.
But when camp day came, they were best buddies.
Two short nights later, we drove back to pick them up - mildly surprised that we hadn't received any homesick phone calls.
They were still smiling!
Micah told me that he hurt his arm falling off the swing but didn't seem too upset about it. It helped that the camp directors are sort of related to us (their son married Erik's sister) and they made extra-sure that Micah had a great time at camp. He even got a "Get Well" note with an extra treat from the tuck shop :)

Micah also told me that he felt lonely at night and that it was hard to fall asleep, which doesn't surprise me. I think 2 nights was just the right amount of time for him. Any longer and I'm sure his camp experience would've felt too long and lonely.
And I'm glad these two 6-year-olds were able to put their differences aside and enjoy their first time at camp :)