Friday, February 02, 2007

February already?

Yesterday Keziah had her first immunizations - 4 shots all together. She was already crying ferociously after the first one and then they just kept coming! She had a bit of a rough afternoon, but then appeared to be her happy & contented self later on that evening. Here she is with her legs covered in bright orange bandaids!

My big helper posing for the camera...

Sometimes things can get a little chaotic in the late afternoon - Micah is getting bored/tired/hungry, I'm trying to get supper ready and Keziah's just being a needy 2-month old. But, yesterday afternoon things were abnormally peaceful and quiet. I had to take a little video to capture the rare moment:

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Lastly, I was tagged last week by a new blogging acquaintance, Summer, to list 6 random facts about me. I'm finally getting around to it now. I've done this before, so it was hard to think of some new things, but here goes...

1) I LOVE microwave popcorn and could eat it every single night for a snack.
2) I am particular about keeping my kids noses free of boogers - I have to stop myself sometimes!
3) I still own and wear a bathing suit that I've had since high school (10 years ago!)
4) When I was younger I wanted to be an actress.
5) One of my favourite kids' TV shows is The Berenstein Bears and I've been known to finish an episode even when Micah loses interest :)
6) I've been to Peru twice.

OK, now I tag Renee & Erin - two more new bloggers that I've only "met" recently. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Hi. The pictures you took are very cute. It's nice when the children give you some peace & quiet, but in my house it doesn't last very long. So I have to enjoy the quietness well it lasts. One thing that I have in common with you is when my kids stop watching cartoons, it seem like I am always watching them (Little Foot, berenstain bears,Dora).

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Keziah's little robeez shoes... so cute!!! and re: the bathingsuit... that is unbelievable... i swim so much that my bathingsuit's are ready for the garbage (or assume its new position as 'hot tub suit')after a year... i try and buy the inexpensive ones for this reason!!

Bonnie said...

Poor Keziah...those legs look a little worse for wear :) Hope she's feeling better soon. And that picture of Micah is ADORABLE!!

Congratulations on a quiet and peaceful deserve it :) The chili looks delicious by the you have a good recipe?

kelly ens said...

I'm glad you get bandaids. Taeya never has been given bandaids...she just bleeds all over me as i try to console her, hold a kleenex over the needle holes, and hold her still so she can get the other leg done!
Glad to hear last night was calm!
Thanks for reminding me who tagged me! I just remembered this morning, but couldn't remember for the life of me who it was! :)

Jamie said...

Andrea - the 10-year old bathing suit is actually only used in the hot tub. It's so stretched out that I was even able to wear it when I was pregnant :)

Bonnie - I actually do have a really good chili recipe (at least we think so). It's got the basic chili ingredients but the key is to add black beans and a sprinkle of cinnamon - delicious!!

KDees said...

Wow, it was unusually quiet...lucky for you! Supper looked great!!

Anonymous said...

Ack! James and I have that to look forward to on Wednesday afternoon!

-Me- said...

Awww, poor Keziah. I hate those appointments. The quiet days as moms are really something to appreciate, aren't they! On the days that Taylor is relatively quiet (most days her mouth goes nonstop..she is a talker!) I am so appreciative! I love her to death, and she says some pretty funny stuff, but I definitely appreciate the moments of peace as well!!!

Renee Shaw said...

It was so long before I actually got Preston's immunization, he didn't cry that much! lol I totally forgot to keep up with it.
Thanks for tagging me I'll try and get to it soon! lol

Rob, Lisa & Ryken John said...

Thanks for the comment, Jaime. Nice to know that it might just be a phase. Let's hope so! Love the ABC video, what a smart cookie! Keziah is too cute! Don't you just hate getting shots? No fun:(

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys! Here is hoping today includes a bit of your family's goodness.

The Keowns said...

are you obsessed with the booger sucker thing too??? Steve always gets mad at me because I LOVE using it on the kids and they always hated it. There is some kind of 'good' feeling it gives me when I pull out a really good one

Anonymous said...

My "booger sucker" does nothing. Why is that? It doesn't have nearly enough suction. Maybe I'm not using it right - I don't know!

Trev and Rebekah said...

When were you in Peru for the second time?
I hate boogers on adults so I am sure it will be interesting wiping my child's nose.

Drea said...

awe I hate shot time! I dont look forward to those times with Taite. Shes so chunky and cute.