Monday, March 19, 2007

A sad good-bye for all of us

This is a big week for us. This coming weekend we are going to take away Micah's "nukies" for good! I made Micah a countdown chart for this week to prepare him for their permanent departure on Friday night. That evening we're going to take the soothers to our mailbox down the street and "mail" them to other babies who need their nukies. Later that night (if Micah ever falls asleep!) we'll replace the nukies with some sort of special toy (yet to be determined) and in the morning we'll go the mailbox and see what kind of "big boy" toy the mailman has left for him!

I'm not sure who this is going to be hardest on - Micah or me!! I'm anticipating that we won't sleep much that first night. I know in the end it's up to Erik and I to show enough resolve and not give him his soothers back. In fact, I think we'll just throw them away to avoid the temptation (or the chance that Micah may find them). Keziah has soothers around the house, but they're smaller and Micah seems to know that those ones don't belong to him.

We spent a lot of time with Erik's family this weekend which was fun. Last night Micah entertained us all with his favourite songs - everything from "Happy Birthday" to "Holy God". Erik took this video of him singing the "I Love You" song from Veggie Tales. You'll have to tilt your head to see it straight :)


I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and I'm talking in my sleep about you!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute song, sung by an even cuter little boy!!
Good luck with the "countdown to no nukies"! I've heard of other people mailing them...and it worked very well. I'm kind of glad we never had to deal with that though. Although I had to wean Olivia off sippy cups...she loved sippy cups. Coincedently, she quit sippy cups the same time Joel quit smoking...they made a little deal. Sometimes still, if she sees someong smoking, she'll say to herself..sippy it was this big huge tramatic deal for her. Kids!

patti said...

that's a great idea. i;ll have to try that one. every time i try and cut them out, matt or her find them and she gets it back.

-Me- said...

I remember that with Taylor (she was HOOKED!) I actually cut them up and then threw them all away because I didn't know if I was strong enough to hold out...It was hard for the first few days but after that she was fine! I hope that it goes alright for you guys too, and the chart is such a great idea!!!! It reminded me of something Super Nanny would do(I'm hooked on that show!!)

Anonymous said...

Your little man melts my heart every time! I am eager to see how the nukie adventure pans out. Stay strong Jamie!

Bonnie said...

VERY cute video!! And good luck with the nukie replacement :) Sounds like a good way of going about it!

Lindsay said...

great idea with the nukie countdown! good luck!

KDees said...

The countdown is on-good for you! I hope it goes so well, better than you are expecting! Sounds like you have a great plan - I think I might have to try a similar idea for Tyler's soother stopping.

The Keowns said...

the soother (or suckie as we call it in our household) will be gone easier then we think. and be sure to throw them all out because it is tempting that first night. But it gets better.

Anonymous said...

hey jamie and erik - i haven't talked to either of you in years, but i saw your link on cheri's blog, so i thought i'd see what you were up to. ron and dianne keep my parents posted on births and things, so i knew you had 2 kids - they are really cute. john and i are still in gem, ab. we have 2 kids also - ashley is 4.5 and tyson in 2.5 years. i was reading about the soother thing and thinking back about ashley - at the end she only had her soother for naps and night time but when i took it away she was MAD! it took 3 nights and then she realized she wasn't getting it back. every kid is different and i haven't seen and 18 year old with one, so i guess every kid who has had one makes it through and every mom who has taken it away has made it through too....same with potty training - on the days i wonder if tyson will ever make it a whole day without an accident, i think ok - every one by the age of 10 is potty trainied - it HAS to happen sometime! anyways, i hope your nights are no too hard. i also wanted to say that you have amazing pictures! what kind of a camera do you have? i bought a nikon D70 last feb. and i love it. there's just a lot to learn. i want to take a course someday, but that will have to wait. i was reading a book to the kids the other day and it was one of my old ones and it was for my 4th birthday or something from "erik and chris" - it got me thinking about all the things we used to do when eriks family would come to visit....good times....well, my kids are yelling at eachother, so i should go break them up - have a great day. Wendy Hiebert
- i don't have a blog, but my email is

kelly ens said...

love that cute video!
i hope the nukie plan goes well and that you are all able to adjust quickly! be sure to let us all know how it goes!

Ellen said...

That's an awesome idea with the whole countdown and mailing the soothers!! I will have to remember that; my first never liked soothers but it doesn't mean that my other kids won't like them!! and that song is priceless!!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with the chart - love it! If it doesn't work (which it will), you could try what my mom did. She just cut the soother up, and said "Uh-oh, it's broken" - and we were fine with that. The video is SO adorable! What a cute little singer!