I've always been somewhat of an American/Canadian Idol fan, but this year I'm really committed. That's because someone we know has made it into the top 22!

This is Greg Neufeld from Abbotsford. He goes to our church (South Abbotsford) and Erik's brother Nathan played in his band last year - they were really good! We knew when he auditioned that he would do well, and we were right. It's not just exciting that he's someone we know, but he's genuinely GOOD at singing, too!
So, us Toews siblings have committed to watching him perform every week and voting for him. I've never voted for anyone on these shows before, but last night we had 4 phones and we made over 600 votes! So, You all need to tune in next week (I think Monday night again) to watch Greg - and get your dialing finger ready to vote!
Yay for Greg! I always thought it was funny that they let people vote ten million times. I too mastered the hangup/redial pattern quite quickly. always a joy to hear the ctv man's voice!! haha
yes, I really thought he was good, but I thought we coculd only vote once
oh, that was me. miss you all mom
Love it Jamie. I thought Greg was awesome. Funny how I feel proud over his performance. Did you ever hear of Rosanna and my record for voting for Shane Wiebe! Too funny. Enjoy.
Best regards from NY! » »
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