Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pool Party

Today Micah and I went to our play group for a pool party. We frequent two "Mom's" groups - this one for first-time moms and also another group of moms made up mostly from our new church care group. Today we drove out to a cattle farm in Aldergrove and enjoyed being on a big farmyard complete with a great swing-set, an inflatable pool and a pasture full of cows in the background...

It wasn't a very hot day today and the water was definitely chilly, so Micah was quite hesitant at first. He was content just to sit on the edge and splash his feet in the water. But when his friend Logan jumped right in and started having fun, Micah eventually joined in the party and stayed in the water for over an hour! He went under once and came up coughing, sputtering and crying, but he was ready to get back in a few minutes later!

Even Mommy braved the cold water. Here we are - Micah is as stoic as ever.


kelly ens said...

Hi Jamie - i've been visiting your blog lately. I don't remember exactly how I found it, but i know we go to the same church! I was going to come to the first time moms group for the pool party, but couldn't make it. I"ve also been trying to come to the moms group that meets at mill lake, but i can't seem to find the group (I know Ang B, but she hasn't been the past few times). Anyway, perhaps we'll meet in person sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Micah!

kelly ens said...

Oh, I hear you guys know Brent & Anj Peters too. We are good friends with them and had them down the other night. Your names came up, so that's why I came back searching for your blog :)

The Keowns said...

it looks like they had fun!! I need a pool that size for my kids