Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Monkeying Around

One of Micah's latest discoveries - his ability to hang from the kitchen table:

Today is the 13th of the month which means it marks Micah's 21-month birthday and my 7 months of pregnancy!!! I had my doctor's appt. this morning and all is well. Baby's head is down and heart is beating at 144 bpm. Weight gain is... Well, we won't talk about that - I'll let you be the judge (but please ignore the double-chin!) My doctor just encouraged me today by reminding me that I lost all of it after the last pregnancy :)

The other bit of news is that we seem to be revisiting some sleep issues with Micah. He was doing so well for a while and now he seems to be waking up a lot at night again. He never has a problem going to bed - in fact, "sleep" is one of the words we have to spell around here because as soon as he hears it he runs to his bed and cries for his soother. The problem is waking up at night. Whether he's lost his "nukie" or he's fallen off his mattress or he just decides it's time to wake up for the day (i.e. this morning at 5:30 am)... I thought we were beyond all this! We're going to have to get this straightened out because I can't imagine waking up for two babies once November comes!


patti said...

jamie you look beautiful!

Erin and Rob said...

James, you really do look good. I think as long as you're healthy, all the talk about the perfect amount to gain while pregnant is seriosly not that important, esp. considering how out of whack hormones are during pregancy. Micah . . . let your mommy sleep! If it makes you feel any better Sadie's up 3-5 times a night these days.

KDees said...

Beautiful Mommy and cutie patootie Micah. You know how they say babies need white noise to help them sleep? I think parents need white noise so they can't hear when their kids wake up at night. Honestly, that's what I do. Tyler is still in his crib, so I guess it's a little different, but even if he does wake up, I don't usually hear him because I've got my door closed and until recently, our bedroom window open creating that "white noise". I'm blissfully unaware. The loud and important cries can still be heard, but the sleepy-where's-my-soother? cries go unheard!! I do know that Tyler is a good sleeper and I'm not as bad a mom as I sound, but it has worked for us!

Janelle said...

i'm glad Kamryn hasn't learned to do that yet! haha...our table isn't very sturdy!!
i agree with Patti - you look amazing! you are always a beautiful pregnant woman! no double chin as far as i can see!
things will work out with Micah. i give you credit for even trying the big boy bed yet!!

Anonymous said...

You are looking great Jamie! What a beatiful round tummy.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, you are so pretty! I think it every time I see you. I love the table pictures... made me giggle. Hope the sleep is plentiful tonight. Remember the Rosanna bed vibes... where have they gone?

The Keowns said...

dont worry about the weight gain. It does come off remember? I think you look slimmer this pregnancy then your other.
as for Micah, he may be cutting some two year old molars. that could be keeping him up at night

Trev and Rebekah said...

Jaimie you look beautiful as always. You'll lose that weight fast because you'll have two to run after. :0)
God will give you the strength you'll need come November.