Friday, September 04, 2009


Keziah decided to sleep with her doll's pacifier for a few days...

Keziah makes our house interesting with her her little oddities. I don't think she resembles me much in looks (other than the white-blonde hair), but sometimes I see my own little girl-ness in her. Like her constant singing, or her extreme shyness in public, or her carelessness :P I don't recall having such a stubborn temper and strong will (did I, Mom?) but thankfully I think we may be out of the worst of the "terrible twos"...

I can hope, right?

Even though Keziah's vocabulary is well established, she still makes some funny mix-ups. Like yesterday for example... We often get farm-type smells around here, especially in the fall. Yesterday there was a particularly strong cow odour and Keziah kept sniffing at the air and announcing, "I hear cow's moo. I hear cow's moo!" When I asked her if she meant 'I smell cow poo' then she decided that, yes, that is exactly what she meant :)

I love you Keziah-bear...


Trev and Rebekah said...

How nice to be able to say that you are almost out of the two's. Well I must admit the last few days have been good with my son. I think some sort of routine is what he needed rather than living in a mess of boxes for a week and then off to Grandm's for almost another week. He's doing well.

Bonnie said...

Cute post! And its funny because Jon nickname for Callie is 'Callie-bear.' Guess we both have sweet bears ;)

Kathy's corner said...

Yes, Jamie, you were very stubborn and strong willoed. You always bounced and when you got up from your nap, you were almost always miserable. We didn't dare look at you, and yless than 3 months, Keziah will be 3.ou would go straight to the couch and bounce for about 15 minutes, and then you were in a better frame of mind, but as yo grew older, you mellowed ALOT. I love you Jamie I cannot believe that in

Kathy's corner said...

Sorry Jamie, Not sure what happened in that last message. I am sure yo get the drift. What I was saying at the end, was, I couldn't believe that in less than 3 months Keziah will be 3. Sorry about that. mom

GSFALK said...

I love the peeks into your kids' lives.