Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Birthday Boy!

Today Micah is TWO years old! It's crazy to think how the last two years have flown by and yet at the same time I feel like he's been in our lives for a lot longer. I can't really imagine my life as 'Micah-less' anymore...

Here's the birthday boy trying to show you how old he is today:

Yesterday when I asked him what today was he would say "birthday cake!" He knows there will be balloons and candles and cake - and I suppose that's all that matters :)

And Micah's birthday is extra special since he shares it with his Auntie Rosanna - Happy Birthday Rosanna!!

It will be a simple family affair this year - unlike his 1st birthday party last year. For some reason I lack the energy, motivation and creativity to make a big deal this time around... Hmmm, I wonder why ;)

Here's a picture of me and my firstborn exactly two years ago today!

Freshly Born...

My water broke on Sunday, Dec 12th just before church. It was only a trickle and I felt totally fine so I sang in the worship team as planned and joined the family for lunch. By mid-afternoon I decided to go into the hospital just to check things out but I didn't think it was the real deal even though I was already 2 days overdue. Sure enough, I was leaking amniotic fluid. But the hospital was full so they gave me my group B strep antibiotics and sent me home. They told me to come back the next morning to be induced. At around 2:30 am on the morning of the 13th I started having mild contractions. We went in at 8:30 and my contractions were still pretty mild and irregular. They started me on some oxytocin to get things moving and soon they were getting stronger and more frequent. My back labour was intense so the only thing that felt good was Erik pressing with his knuckles on my lower back as hard as he could. He said his arms ached afterwards (I didn't feel that bad for him!). I tried the laughing gas for one contraction and hated it, but with the next contraction I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about an hour and Micah came into the world at 2:15 pm weighing in at 7 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 22 inches long!

In the last two years, Micah has become an active and entertaining little person! We often find ourselves laughing at the things he says and does. He seems to take after me in his looks, but his daddy in his personality. He can be high-strung and emotional (like Erik) and keeping his mind focused on one thing for more than a few minutes isn't an easy task! He loves everything his daddy does - drumming (especially on Daddy's real drums), hammering nails into his toy work bench, and playing hockey!

Happy Birthday Buddy - We love you!!


Anonymous said...



derek salmon said...
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Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday Micah! Hope you and your auntie have a super day together! :) Enjoy the cake!

kelly ens said...

Happy Birthday Micah!!!

Ej said...

Happy Birthday Micah!

Love J-man

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Micah!!!!!! You are one special little boy and you have such a special family ;) Hope your 2nd year is filled with lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Micah, we love you and miss you already!
Maddy and Olivia

Anonymous said...

Micah you rock our world!

The Keowns said...

Happy 2nd birthday Micah!! hope you had a fun day!

Shanilie said...

Happy Birthday Micah! Wow, two boys about two years apart! That is perfect! Hope you day was very special!

Anonymous said...

Hi I think your son and daughter are both beautiful children. Hope you enjoy your christmas and A happy New Year. Happy Birthday Micah

Janelle said...

i am so sorry we missed your birthday Micah! i'm glad you had such a good party. you sure are a blessing! i can't wait to watch you grow up!
we love you!!
rodney, janelle & kamryn