Yes, that's one word that can sum up life this week. It's been a little hectic around here. It took me half the week just to unpack our mounds of bags and gifts from our trip out east. We also came home to the news that someone had backed into our parked car while we were away. So, Erik's trying to get that sorted out and get our car fixed. Thankfully the guy who hit us is really nice and has been very helpful and cooperative. Then I needed to think about Micah's birthday and get ready for that. Last night Erik and I were supposed to go to care group and decided to skip out just because we've been with people every night since we've been back. But, when we called to cancel we found out that it was actually supposed to be a surprise baby shower for us! So, of course I felt bad and also disappointed that we didn't go, but by then it was too late and they told us not to worry about it. Oh well! It turned out to be a very relaxing family night for us - we decided to not even answer the phone and it was kind of nice :)
Keziah is getting to be a bit more of a handful these days. She sleeps a lot of the time still, but when she's awake she likes to be held. I'm discovering ways to do a lot of things "one-handed" but I'm starting to seriously consider investing in a sling of some sort. I'm not sure if she's just fussy, or maybe really social and wants to be with people all the time. I have a tough time remembering what this stage was like with Micah. I probably just had more time to hold him and maybe didn't notice how much he needed to be held. I was worried that she may have thrush (Micah had a long bout of it when he was about a month old) but the doctor assured me earlier in the week that it just looked like milk solids built up on her tongue. And I've also been surprised at how quickly she eats, but reading
Kerri's blog reassured me this morning when she wrote that her 1-month old seems to eat very quickly too. Keziah definitely looks healthy and all of her plumbing seems to be in great working order! I think she's about 9 and a half pounds now and has a bit of chub to her!
And Micah is a handful as always and I suppose I should expect it now that we've hit the "terrible twos" :o) This morning Erik was on the phone trying to sort out the whole car-situation and I was holding a crying baby - who apparently wanted to eat again even though it had only been a couple of hours since her last feed - and trying to tell a whining toddler that I wasn't going to open his play-doh right now! I'm not sure how to keep up with all the regular things that need to get done around here - i.e. washing dishes from 2 nights ago!
Another strange phenomenon - Micah has decided to go back to having 2 naps since we got back from our trip - I don't think this is really typical for a 2-year-old. It's not so bad, but I wouldn't mind getting him on a more predictable schedule. If it wasn't for having a newborn around I could probably keep him busy and distract him from his sleepiness, but with two to care for I don't have the energy to do that and I admit it's kind of nice to have that extra peace and quiet.
So with this new-found chaos, how do I manage to keep blogging? I guess it's the one thing that gives me an outlet and a way to connect and relate when I'm feeling a little tied-down. Besides our whirlwind trip across the country I haven't left the house much. I'm actually OK with that mostly because I'm a little scared to venture out with both kids! But I do need to stay connected with people and so the whole blogging thing keeps me from going nutty and feeling all alone. For those of you who live in the area, we need to schedule some playdates!
well i don't have any kids to schedule a play date, but it would be cool to see you again and the new little's been a long time.
I'd love to schedule a play date...too bad we're so far away! I hope you begin to sort out a good routine for yourself and the kids! You're doing great!
We'd love to schedule a play date. We can talk next Wednesday when we see you at church. I love the black and white pic of Keziah sleeping in her cap. So sweet.
Jamie, there's no such thing as the "terribe two's", it's something someone made to make mothers worry. I loved the twos. I had more struggles with the girls when they were three and wanted to start doing everything themselves, and it would take soooo long. I'm sorry that things are so busy there. Don't get to worked up about housework, no one ever died from a messy house. Don't burden youself with too high expectations, you're doing great!!!
Oh how I'd love to go for coffee with you (only I can't have dairy, chocolate, or caffiene with Liv- she SCREAMS from gas) but it sounds like we are going through VERY similar situations! I had to laugh at everything you wrote about on your blog- I am right there with you! Jake is a little more challenging... feeding is sooo different with Liv. She seems more needy too, but then it is hard to remember what Jake was like since I didn't have any other kids to run around after.... Everything you wrote about hit home! Your little girl is just a doll! I hope to send you an email someday soon- we are out of power since last night at 11pm and so our home is an ice box (we had crazy winds here last night- did you get them in Abby?)- we are camped out at Dan's parents place for the day and night. Take care and snuggle with that little girl of yours!!
oh- I wanted to tell you of a great wrap/sling/whatever you want it to be thing that I bought in Brandon when I was pregnant with Jake. It is this long piece of stretchy fabric and you can put your baby (or toddler- but who is strong enough for that??) in it in many different positions and it is soooo comfy. It is made by a company called Peapod I think (I think it is Canadian)and I bought it at A Child's Place or whatever the store is in the Brandon Shopper's Mall. Just an idea for when you need to carry Keziah. I love it...
if only you were closer we could have lots of play dates!! Cass keeps asking about Keziah (baby 'ziah as she calls her)
oh, as for the sling, my friend has one and she loves it. I will have to remember to ask her where she got it.
i never had one, my kids all hated being confined in carriers but I always thought they were a great idea
Sounds like we spoiled Keziah a bit to much when she was here, not to mnetion Micah and all those smarties. I don't have to many memories of way back, when you were all little. having 4 under 5, was sort of like a blur, but it was a time of spiritual growth, because I yelled,"HELP GOD" a lot. Hang in there, motherhood is great, and you are doing great love mom
What is with the 2 nap thing for Micah I wonder?? Usually these days Hailey is bushed by 10:30am and I know I could easily let her have a nap then...and sometimes I do...but it just seems so weird! Just another example of YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOUR CHILD and then BAM!
Love your updates Jamie - They feel like a sneak peak of what my household might be like in 5 months :)
i was thinking about you yesterday and to have a visit (but never called cuz i thought you'd be recuperating from the trip!) Anyway, we should get together next week some time!
as for the sling, my friend makes and Taeya still loves it! guys truly have BEAUTIFUL kids! I love pictures in this post! Hopefully i'll get to meet your "little ones" someday! It would be great to catch up :)
wish i could schedule a play date with you!!! :) that would be great!
i honestly have been wondering lately what the heck Rod & i are thinking when we talk about having another baby. Kamryn is a handfull but so much fun. and i'm finally sleeping through the nite! what are we thinking???
What beautiful pictures! 2 adorable children. It sounds like you sure do have your hands full....Jacob is 19 months but he has entered the "terrible two's" already :-( sometimes he even lays flat on his stomach crying to get what he wants....I wonder who taught him that lol.
Thanks for the comment on my blog and the helpful ideas. One question though, what is a nurshing canopy-Rebekah
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