Sunday, June 03, 2007

My first blind date and other fun stuff...

What a beautiful weekend we just had! The weather was gorgeous (a little too hot for some people probably) and it made for those wonderfully comfortable summer evenings.

I started the weekend off with my very first blogger "blind date". Amanda and I had our 2nd babies within days of eachother and our 2-year-olds are only a few months apart, so we decided it was time to finally meet! For the most part, Micah did really well. He did a great job sharing with Diedre and I think they had fun running around in the backyard together.

Playing teeball - Diedre as catcher/runner and Micah as hitter.

Sharing a snack.

Ezekiel & Keziah hanging out.

Already learning to share :)

The butterfly who interrupted our playdate.

Group shot - Diedre was about to escape in this one :)

Check out Amanda's post for more pictures of our playdate. And click here to see Ezekiel's amazing push-ups!

The rest of the weekend was spent having yummy BBQ's, shopping and playing at the park. It's been encouraging to see some progress in Micah's behaviour. We've had to become a lot more firm about things that we used to just "let slide". His whining has really improved and he is learning to ask for things like a "big boy" the first time around without me having to remind him. He did start his bedtime marathons again this weekend - getting out of bed over and over and not falling asleep until after 9 most nights. It's frustrating, but I have to be thankful for the things that are going well! One thing that amazed me was how much he ate today since he usually eats like a bird. And he's been picky lately about things that he used to love, but today I convinced him to eat three foods that he hasn't eaten in months and he loved them. So, that's another thing to be thankful for!

It's crazy to see both of my kids in high chairs...

I bought Keziah a really neat new product on the weekend. It's called the Sassy Teething Feeder. See picture below:

It's basically a mesh bag that fits onto a plastic handle. I can put all sorts of different foods inside the bag and she can chew at it all she wants without the risk of choking. Today I put a slice of fresh peach inside and let her try it. Once she figured it out she really started sucking and gnawing at it.

So, to end off, here's a video of her enjoying her new mode of eating...


laura.h said...

Ooooh, so many new things I need to try this time around! I really want one of those Bumbo chairs and I would like to try some kind of sling or wrap...because something tells me I might be on the go just a little bit more with this one!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Liv loves those teether bags things. I freeze grapes, let them thaw a bit and then put them in there for her. I also make my own babyfood and freeze it in these trays that look like ice cube trays. For jake would pop one of those in there for him to soothe the teething pain. Do you think that Micah was getting out of bed because it was so nice out and hot in his room? The weather change affected Jake. He'd sing the abcs in his bed till around 9 some nights.....

Sarah said...

where'd you find the teething bag?? that could come in handy over here big time! enjoyed your post.

Anonymous said...

Great post Jamie!

Amber said...

Whoa! That teething feeder is so cool!!! Right up my alley, as my #1 fear in life is kids choking. I still cut Haileys grapes up (although no one else does when they give her grapes and she does just.fine. but I'm petrified of grapes!) I'm glad you got to meet a blogging buddy and it was a success! Hopefully at the end of the month there will be pictures of US together ;)

Jamie said...

I found the teething feeder at a speciality store in Langley (Toy Traders), but otherwise I've only seen them at Target in the States. Maybe you could find them at Babies R Us, though, and I'm sure you could find them on ebay too.

Michelle said...

Cool....I've never seen those feeders before and sure would of loved to have one when my kids are little. Could make a good baby gift and hopefully I'll be able to find them down here!! Glad to hear things are going better with Micah!

Michelle said...

Oh and I was going ask if you had the link to my blog? Feel free to check it out. I thought I saw a comment on there a while ago from you but that was before you went private!!

The Keowns said...

love that mesh feeder bag!! Used it lots with Liam! I used to put ice cubes in it for when he was really cranky and teething

Donna said...

What fun to meet a blogger!

Iloved those mesh bag things for Ethan. You can get them anywhere here in the States, most everyone makes them now, I had the ones by Munchkin.
They have been around for a long time it is just recently that more manufacturers are making them!

I am sure you and her will enjoy it very much!

Sarah said...

Thanks! I think I'll head to Toy Traders this week. Elijah is teething up a storm and is definitely a little more irritable at times during the day. As for work, I am excited to go back. I'm only going back 2 days a weeks, so I figure that will be easy enough to handle and all the childminding will be done in house (my mum and Gerdi). There will only be a handful of days in the year that will conflict with Gerdi's shift schedule... I don't know where I'll be teaching yet, but I am hoping to know very soon, so I can start planning!

rachel joy said...

My mesh bag eater thing is called "Baby Safe Feeder". Got it at my local baby shop. I never got around to doing frozen stuff but will try it next time for sure. They're a pain to clean out though, hey? Especially the peaches, I found.

Summer said...

Glad you had a wonderful weekend. Great pictures and Great video. I have never seen that teething bag before. Must be a new thing. I wish i saw one b/c it looks really neat.

kelly ens said...

i'm so behind on blog reading.
great post! glad you and amanda got to meet and the kids played together well.
great to hear about the feeding progress in both kids. Wow, keziah looks so grown up in a high chair!

Anonymous said...

I have the Baby Safe Feeder too - can't remember the brand though. I got it at A Child's Place. James has tried it once, and didn't really go for it - but I'll have to try it again soon. A friend of mine told me she used to put ice or Freezies in it for teething on.

Sarah said...

oh... any my attitude towards scheduling is changing, hahaha. I'm now at that the point where a little schedule will feel good (especially for my weaning process). (Now to clarify, we have had more of a schedule/routine in the last few months anyways, but an even more defined one will certainly help me right now!)

Sarah said...

Just got back from Toy Traders. Definitely excited to try it out when E wakes from his nap! It was cheap too - always a bonus!

Anonymous said...

The Baby Safe Feeder is by Munchkin.

Jamie said...

I think the munchkin brand is the one I've seen at Target - pretty much the same thing I think.

I put banana in it today and that was a huge hit!

Laura said...

enjoyed reading your post - I'm a bit behind and I heard about those teething feeders before - nice to see one and hear that it works well, maybe I'll pick one up for Rylan soon!

Anonymous said...

hi jamie!
just wanted to tell you that our blog is private now! so if you want to visit it, just send me an e-mail!