Of home improvements, that is.
Here's a couple other minor (but kinda major for me) improvements that have taken place over the last while...
Some of you might remember the lovely artwork that the previous owners left us to cover the gaping hole of the fireplace in the living room. If you don't remember, no worries, you know I've got a picture to remind you.
Here's a close-up in case you couldn't get a good look with all those moving boxes in the way.
Well, it got a bit of a facelift by way of some white paint and a roller. I took a moment to appreciate the artistic work that went into the custom made half-circle. But it was a brief moment. And after a couple of coats of paint I felt so much better about displaying it in the fireplace hole.
By the way, this room has the same paint colour that was here when we moved in, but it looks so much better with the repainted board and some different accessories. I'm definitely ok with this colour (and not looking to do any more brick painting in the near future, thank you very much).
Unfortunately as of a few days ago, that same fireplace hole is now filled with a big old ugly piece of styrofoam. With the colder weather, we're discovering many areas of heat loss in our house - this being one of them. The good news is, styrofoam boards don't come in floral painted designs. So, it's white.
I can live with white.
And I realized that I never gave a proper before and after of our sun room - which serves as our dining room.
I've heard lots of positive comments about the floor and I've definitely come to appreciate it. I just don't love all the wood tones going on in this room. I would love to paint the paneling out someday. I also have had my eye on some white chairs for our dining room table (that Erik built himself). Right now we're using Erik's parents chairs since they don't have room for them in their own living space.
And along the interior wall of the sun room, we have this bank of cabinets and countertop. Not super stylish by any means, but on the other hand, VERY functional. These cabinets are packed with stuff.
Please don't overlook the most significant improvement to this room, perhaps the most significant improvement to this house... well, for sure the most significant improvement to the sanity and mental well-being of the mother and main kitchen cleaner-upper in this house! Yep, that would be the lovely stainless steel dishwasher.
So pretty. And so, SO helpful.
once again - nicely done! Congrats on your dishwashing machine! Nice that it's close to the dining room, but how far is it from the kitchen? Do you keep all your dishes in the sunroom? Not that it really matters, because YOU HAVE A DISHWASHER!
The kitchen is the next room over so it's not TOO far. I keep the dishes in the kitchen but I have considered moving them... I usually take a serving tray and load it up with clean dishes to tote back to the kitchen and usually 2 loads is all I need. That is SIGNIFICANTLY better than washing all those dishes by hand!
looks fantastic! And i noticed the dishwasher right away - awesome! :)
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