Saturday, October 07, 2006

27th Birthday

Today I am celebrating my 27th birthday! I thought it might be fun to share some pictures of myself from my early childhood. I can definitely see the resemblance between Micah and myself - what do you think?

Me as a newborn - 27 years ago to the day!
A little over a year old - with our dog Charlie.
Potty training at 18 months - did I really have success Mom?
2 years and a bit - after a nasty run-in with the rocking chair...
My Sunday School mug shot - I'm probably about 3 years old here.

Micah gave me a birthday gift of sleeping in until 8:30 this morning (this was after waking up a few times from 4:30 am on and ending up in our bed!). When I came out this morning I found "Happy Birthday Jamie" written on the table in ju-jubes and mini chocolate bars (Erik knows what I like!). He also plans on giving me a gift certificate for a pregnancy massage at the Wild Orange Spa - an idea I got from Andrea & Kelly (who also celebrated birthdays this week!) .

I'm also excited to have my parents visiting from Manitoba - they arrived here safely yesterday. The day's plans include heading to Stanley Park for a picnic lunch and a relaxing afternoon and heading to gastown for supper - maybe the Old Spaghetti Factory again, YUM!


Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday Jamie! Hope you had a great day with your parents!

kelly ens said...

wow - the picture of you and the dog...micah definitely looks like you!!!
enjoy the pregnancy massage! Ever since Andrea mentioned it, I've wanted to go back (just for a regular one, not pregnancy!!!)
have a wonderful, happy birthday!!!

The Keowns said...


Anonymous said...

It's October 7th!!!!!! Happy Birthday! I can remember many october 7ths's playing pin the tale on the donkey and eating hot dogs and pizza. (I'm sure there were some Full House episodes mixed in there too.) I love the pictures. Makes me think about you and Erin driving the truck at Co-op.. . Have a great day with your family, and a great massage. (I did that when I was about 8 months pregnant too, and it was really amazing.) Your best present should get here in about a month! -

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jamie!

KDees said...
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KDees said...

Happy Birthday, Jamie!
Enjoy that massage!
Love, Karen

KDees said...

I'm your birthday the 5th or the 7th??

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Jamie!! Hope you had a GREAT day - that massage sounds amazing....enjoy every single second of it!!

Jamie said...

Karen - Yes, it's today (the 7th). I had started this post a couple of days ago and I guess that was the date that showed up when I published it today. I just changed it though to avoid confusion :)

Drea said...

youch that black eye on the 2 yr. old photo looks painful. Im sure your mom hated when that happened.

The church photo didnt show.

a massage sounds so nice right now. way to go hubby on that gift.
Happy birthday!

Kirsten said...

Happy Birthday Jamie! Thanks for sharing the pictures from your past. I hope it was a fabulous day in Vancouver with your parents. Enjoy each moment!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you early this morning when I saw it was Oct. 7th! Happy birthday! I was reminded of being able to be at a lot of your birthday parties- even though I was the youngin' and not really invited!! (I also remember a highschool birthday where we watched Legends of the Fall and had all those 'fake/pretend' phone calls to certain people... We were quite the cool cats back then.
Hope your birthday is great! Say hi to the parents!! Enjoy your time with them!

Ej said...

Happy Birthday again :) I was early by a week but better early than late I guess. Have fun with your parents and Happy Thanksgiving.

Elissa said...

Hey Jamie!
Happy Birthday! I hope you're having a great time with your parents. We'll have to celebrate when we get home!
Love Doug and Elissa

Cheri said...

Hey Jamie: Happy Birthday!!! Hope it was a great one!! Take care and hang in there!!!