Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's begun!

Today is the first official day of potty-training and things are going surprisingly well so far! We have had multiple successes today with only one accident!

I waited until after breakfast to change Micah out of his diaper and put on his training underwear. After that I gave him lots to drink and started putting him on the potty every 20 minutes. Nothing happened for the first few times and then suddenly, on his own initiative, Micah informed me that he had to GO! So, we ran to the potty and sure enough, he did! Since then he's told me almost every time except for once when he was busy playing. Could it really be THIS easy??

Micah with his very first sticker!

He actually got SO into this potty thing that he was asking to go every few minutes for awhile this morning - and he went a little bit every time. I started wondering if he was doing this on purpose since each time he would get a mini-celebration including smarties and a sticker for his Dora potty chart. Is it normal for them to want to go that often? I tried to occupy him with some other things so that he wouldn't ask to go constantly, and so that when he DID go it would be a substantial amount. I'm going to run out of stickers and smarties at this rate!

I'm not sure how naptime will go. I showed him the pull-ups I had bought for sleeping and he cried because he didn't want to wear them. I guess they look a little too much like diapers. So, I put on his plastic bedsheet and put him down in his underwear. I don't think I would be brave enough to do this if it wasn't for what Erik's mom told me yesterday. She said that when she potty-trained Erik he refused to wear a diaper for sleeping. So, she didn't put one on him and he stayed totally dry. I'm a little doubtful, but I'll let you know if we have the same success with Micah...

I had to snap one last picture of Micah in diapers last night. Good-bye saggy diapers!!

In other news, Keziah is practicing her sitting these days. I still stay pretty close when she's sitting but she's going for longer stretches all the time...

Mother's Day gifts - flowers, candy and a girly Starbucks travel mug. Erik purposely got me one that he wouldn't be tempted to use for himself. So thoughtful :)



Janelle said...

i LOVE how you say "could it be this easy?" cause i said that too when we first tried with Kamryn! :)
unfortunatly for us - she backtracked...hopefully for you it will be SUCCESS!!!
and Micah - Kamryn has the same chart as you!! :)

kelly ens said...

way to go micah!!! that's awesome!
great pictures

Anonymous said...

Way to go Micah! This pictures made me smile today.

Bonnie said...

Great news about the potty training! Hope things continue to PROGRESS...wouldn't it be a dream come true if it really was "that easy!?" :)
Lovely pictures by the way!

Kirsten said...

You are such a great mom Jamie! I love seeing all your creativity. can't wait to hear how potty-training goes. And I love the bubble pic! Happy belated Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

AWWW!!! What a big girl Keziah is. She sure looks happy sitting.

I think that is a good sign that Micah wants to go all the time. Keep it up and I'm sure that he will be potty-trained in no time.

KDees said...

Wow! Does Keziah ever look like Erik! Just in these last couple pictures! Anyways, good luck with the potty training!

rachel joy said...

You're off to a good start! You asked if it's normal for him to be making all these quick potty trips ... the best parenting advice I ever got applies to everything ... there is no such thing as a "normal" child! They just love to keep us guessing, hey?

Christy said...

It is that easy when they are ready! It sounds like Micah is well on his way to being a diaper free dude!

That is awsome!

Anonymous said...

yeah, Micah!!! You encourage me to be creative, Jamie. You are such a creative mommy! Micah and Keziah will be (and in many ways are already)so blessed by that! I believe that is a gift from the Lord.

Drea said...

the bubble photo is beautiful! how cool. Congrats on potty training ease for starting! :-) thats great. Caleb doesnt mind pull ups. I only use them at night time... I tried the no undies thing at night.. that was way to stressful. So I figured he can use a pull up a night until he starts showing some signs of waking up dry.

Other than that he is 100% trained. yippie :-) hope ur training continues to go well.

Donna said...

Yeah for easy potty training. Ethanis doing really well too!

Thanks for the link to the chart!

Michelle said...

That awesome to hear he's so into potty training. I had my oldest trained in 2 days...biggest piece of advice is to be consistent. I took her diaper off and never put it back on. All depends on the kid though...you know what works best for you guys! Keziah is sooo cute! I love the bubbles floating around her....good scrap booking pic!!

Sarah said...

How's it going in Jamie?? I need an update now. Is he still peeing up a storm? Also, Keziah looks so sweet in the bubbles shot. Is that outfit on loan from Taeya?? I got her that exact one last year... :) Looks very cute on Keziah too ;p

Mrs. Stam said...

Hi Jamie,
You don't know me but I find you trough Drea's blog and taught I just say hi and leave a comment

by the way your children are just georgous love the pic of you daughter and bubles so precious


Megan said...

Way to go! I hope that it continues to go well for you. It can be difficult at times but it always depends on the child. I love the chart...keep up the hard but great work!

Jamie said...

Sarah - you're right that it's a borrowed outfit from Taeya :) Kelly actually gave me the sweater and dress in two separate batches and I didn't realize how well they went together until the other day!
As for potty training, I'm going to go write an update right now!