Friday, December 17, 2010

A lot like Christmas

This has been a busy, busy pre-Christmas season for us - what with trying to sell our house on top of the normal schedule of school and work (Erik's been working full-time and I've been doing a lot of transcription recently), celebrating birthdays and planning birthday parties, plus the regular Christmas craziness of parties, concerts, recitals, shopping, etc. After this weekend I anticipate things slowing down considerably and I am SO looking forward to it!

But, 'tis the time to get into the Christmas spirit! And a little red and green and a whole lot of sparkle definitely get the job done :)

Our (mismatched) stockings hung by the chimney with care.

We finally got our Christmas tree last Sunday - we were waiting until all the pictures were taken of our house for selling purposes before we went full-out with the Christmas decor.

Sweeping up pine needles while decorating is like shovelling snow in a blizzard. But Keziah gets an A for effort.

The decorating process would not be complete without a few tears.

I let the kids do a lot of the decorating. If you study my tree closely, you'll see several foam sticker ornaments all congregated in this one section.

This brings back memories of my childhood - I would wake up early in those pre-Christmas days, turn on the Christmas lights and bounce on the couch until everyone else woke up. Yeah, you heard me right. I bounced. Don't judge me.

Next post - Micah's Polar Express birthday party. Stay tuned!


kelly ens said...

looks fantastic, Jamie!!!
glad you're getting some work :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

You bounced? Jamie, we need to go find some place to bounce around and have some fun! Maybe when the kids are in bed you can bounce on your bed or on the couch. :0)

Love the tree! I have fond memories of actually going tree hunting in the northern woods and coming home with my dad to show my mom what we found.

KDees said...

The tree is beautiful!!! Good job! And, I hope you have a wonderful slower week ahead! We do too, and I'm also anticipating some relaxation! I'm looking forward to the birthday party post!

Jen Glen said...

I love how the NOEL ornament is backwards in the first picture of the kids decoration...and then it's turned around!! Love it!

Kerri Kincaid said...

love the bouncing memory. I've met many since you who bounce. :)