Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Long Weekend Picture Post

This weekend brought with it the first real summer-like days we've had in a long time! The nice weather came just in time to celebrate Canada Day & Erik's birthday. I took a lot of pictures this weekend and posted many of them here for your enjoyment :)

Keziah trying her first Baby Mum Mum: (I tried giving her cheerios today and she really gagged on them, so we'll wait awhile before we try those again!)

Sunday after church:

Break out the summer dresses!

I got several comments/questions about Keziah's “potty training” a few posts back and forgot to respond. We hadn't intended on starting her on the potty but I just tried it once and it worked so great that I wanted to keep doing it! It’s pretty obvious when she’s about to go #2 so if I notice her getting really still and starting to grunt then I know it's time to get her to the potty! Sometimes we miss it (like if she goes while she’s still in her crib after a nap) but for the times we do catch it, it often saves us a diaper – or at least the yucky clean-up!

Anyway! Back to the weekend...

We celebrated Nathan & Erik’s birthdays (& Canada Day) at Doug & Elissa’s place on Sunday night with supper & ice cream cake. While we waited for it to get dark we watched Micah’s new favourite movie, Cars. (He seriously can't get enough of it!)

At 9:30 pm we headed out to Rotary Stadium for the fireworks. Micah was enthralled and has not stopped talking about it. Erik wore Keziah in the mei tai for the first time and loved it. She was awake for the show and moved her arms & legs in fierce excitement!

Micah was colouring in the nude yesterday afternoon…

Another little side note: Micah’s sleeping has been really awful lately. Putting him down to sleep has been an ordeal again. We’re trying to figure out the balance between naptime sleep and nighttime sleep. And a couple of late nights on the weekend kind of threw everything off. So today I didn't let him nap for the first time ever - he's never gone a day without at least a catnap. But now it's almost 7:30 and he is WIRED! Seriously, he doesn't seem sleepy at all. I don't get it! He only fell asleep last night at about 9:30 and then woke up at 6:30 (that's only 9 hours). Then he didn't sleep a wink today and now he's so hyper that he's putting the energizer bunny to shame! Why, why, WHY?

We had the 'fam' down again last night for a BBQ supper and a little Canadian Idol. Why it's on at 9 and not 8, I just don't understand! That means we have to vote until midnight to get in our full two hours!! And we noted that they didn't show Greg's Abbotsford "blurb" last night - maybe at the results show tomorrow??

We all enjoyed the summer evening. Big brother Micah even took his little sis for a ride in his car...

Later, while Erik & I put the kids to bed, the rest of the gang got in a little bocce ball:

That's all I have to report today! I just killed a mosquito and that's about the tenth one today. I know, I know, all you prairie folks are laughing at me right now, but seriously, that's odd for Abbotsford...

Oh, and the house is quiet - Micah finally fell asleep at 7:40. Thank you Lord!!


Summer said...

Great post Jamie!

Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Great pictures of your kids!

kelly ens said...

loved this post. fabulous pictures (especially the nude one of micah!)
I wonder if MIcah was overtired-hyper, if all was quiet by 7:40...here's hoping that improves. We sympathize with you (though taeya goes down well, i'm sure you've read she's STILL waking at night).
here's to a good night of sleep for ALL of us!
PS. Happy Belated Birthday, Erik!!!!

derek salmon said...

whew, if i hurry, i'll be in the top 3 for comments...ummm, yes, lots of mosquitoes, i hear its b/c of the Fraser river being so high and the land surrounding being much wetter, makes sense to me. i thought there was an unusually high amount of mozies (as the new zealanders call them) myself.

its been fun to try to teach diedre that its okay to kill these bugs. since we had just taught her not to touch bugs (like silverfish and bettles, ugh) it was sort of confusing. and also, that its okay to hit eachother as long as its softly and for the sake of killing! mwuah ha ha, oh dear. i better stop now, or i might not make top 3.


Jeff and Jocelyn said...

I laughed out loud at that nude picture, that is so funny! Sometimes I wish I could be so free to express myself, kids are just how they are and I LOVE it!
Love that cute sundress:)

Anonymous said...

Great post Jamie!

Trev and Rebekah said...

What a great picture of Micah. Trev and I were talking today about babies and how it must be weird to be nude in the womb for 9 months and then to have to be dressed all the time when they come out.
Glad you were able to meet Heather and Amber. They are great girls and I am glad I have them as friends as well.
We hope to make it out to BC one of these years. Maybe next year. Trev's uncle lives in North Van. Perhaps we can hook up if we ever get out that way.

Ej said...

Looks like a great weekend - Happy Birthday Erik.

We are in the same boat with sleep. He is staying up late, and napping poorly. I am hoping it is the the amount of light we have in the evenings(and early mornings). I just think J-man is too young to try no nap - and I am not ready to give that up ;-) I hope you get it sorted out soon - let me know if you find the secret!

Anonymous said...

hope that the nights getting better! i love the picture of keziah eating the m-m!
have a nice day!

Drea said...

The pic of the nakie painter ;-) THAT SO FUNNY!! Caleb wore my shirt yesterday with no undies on, my moms like "he shoudlnt be naked under that.." im like "come on mom.. no one can see anything!" Im not shy when it comes to Caleb being naked if its around friends LOL. He went pee in front our neighbors entire family yesterday during fireworks LOL!

Love ur hair, BTW.

Sarah said...

I can't help but chuckle out loud over the nude shot of Micah. I don't know if it's his cute little bum or the fact that he's coloring in the buff!! Great post once again.

Bonnie said...

What a fun weekend!! Looks like you guys packed in lots of fun stuff :) I think its so cool that you siblings are so close---that is a blessing worth holding tight to! Its hard to believe you Toews sisters are only sisters-in-law---you could pass as biological sisters. Anyway... I enjoyed your picture post as usual. Hope you have a great day!

KDees said...

I LOVE the picture of Micah coloring naked...it's so cute!!!!!!

Lindsay said...

what an adorable picture of Micah! great post :)

Janelle said...

LOOK AT ME!!! i got on your blog! yippeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
i HAVe to say - those pictures of Keziah look EXACTLY like you!! and that picture of Nate and Erik with the cake - wow does E look like his Dad (yes, i know - he probably gets that all the time but SERIOUSLY!!). and that pic of Micah is PRICELESS!!! love it!!
glad to see you are doing well! and i'll try to ignore the comment about the mosquitos and forgive you for becoming such a BC girl!
love ya!

Anonymous said...

such cute pictures!! looks like a great weekend. it was great to talk to you too on sunday!! gord said the same thing (as erik) when we left church... i guess you are my long lost twin :) we would love to hang out sometime.... oh, i love the cute picture of micah.. so cute!!! sorry to hear about your nights... but i agree with kelly that it might be overtired hyper. here's hoping, and praying that you me and kelly and our kids all have GREAT sleeps tonight. would be a lovely way to start the weekend!!!