Monday, November 13, 2006

False Alarm #2

I woke up last night around 1 am feeling crampy contractions. They definitely felt more like "real" contractions than the painless ones I've been having, but still very mild. They were coming pretty frequently so Erik ended up calling the hospital. The nurse there said it sounded promising and that we should wait for them to get more intense. But she said she'd probably see us later. We got our things together and waited. Finally I just got tired of waiting for something more to happen and I decided to sleep for awhile. Next thing we know it's 7 am and I'm obviously not in labour! UGH! Frustrating. The due date has come and will soon be gone.
I'm curious about all of your birth stories. How did you know you were in labour? Did you have any false alarms? With Micah my water broke so it was easy to know what was happening. But all these contractions are driving me crazy! I keep praying that my water will break again this time around - it would be SO much easier!


kelly ens said...

so sorry to hear of the false alarm. maybe God knew I wouldn't be able to handle false labour or being overdue.
The day before I was due, I started having weak contractions and I was convinced not to let them go away. So I kept track of every one and read everything I could that suggested what to do when labour comes on. I walked, moved around, had a shower and for me, those things worked. I had spicy food the night before too. Don't know if that actually helped, but I'd probably do it again!
Praying the contractions come back tonight and STAY!!!! i can believe you're feeling pretty frustrated now :(

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I obviously don't have a birth story - yet. However, I too am hoping to have my water break as a nice clear sign that it's TIME TO GO! I've been pretty crampy all day as well, after all my mall walking today. So far nothing more than that though. Grrrrr... wish we lived closer, we could rent some movies to kill time, or walk together, or something to get these babies out!

Janelle said...

oh i hope the baby comes soon! you must be getting so exhausted!! i'll pray for you tonite before i go to sleep!! :)

long labour story made short.
- never had my water break or contractions or anything before going into the hospital.
- induced at 13 days overdue.
- didn't get into FULL labour until 16 days overdue.
- emergency c-section at 17 days overdue.
- beautiful baby girl, exhausted/sore Mommy.

i have no doubt your story will be SOOO much better! i wonder sometimes if i will "miss" the sensation of contractions. i think i will as crazy as that enjoy them for me, as much as you can!! :)
love you...can't wait to hear your great news.

Amber said...

Man! False alarms are no fun at all!! The anticipation must be almost too much to bear with all these contractions yet not knowing when the real deal is going to happen!

I was induced with Hailey (even though I was dialated 3cm for weeks she was just being so stubborn!) so sadly I never got to go into labour on my own. Hopefully this time around I will be able to have all the false alarms (ha ha) and the wishing & wondering stages. About 2 weeks before Haileys due date (I think it was actually on Valentines Day, awww, how sweet) we did have a night where we wondered if it was the real thing and called the hospital to ask questions. I was having all kinds of contractions and consistantly close together too, but the nurse told me to try sleeping. And, just like you, I woke up the next morning and was bummed.

There aren't too many more days before your baby is born Jamie! Hang in there!! You will be posting pics of your new daughter or son VERY soon!!!!! Yay!

Ej said...

Jamie - that must be so frustrating.

As you know I was 36 4 when I started having my contractions. I couldn't really sleep through them though - I would wake everytime there was one.

In a nutshel - 48 hours after my first contraction I went to the hospital and 6 hours after than he was here.

My water never broke - which made labour sooo much easier. Transistion wasn't really that bad because of that and I had not a drop of drugs or gas.

They broke my water right when ee decided to push and on 36 6 he was born.

Your body is warming up - it will be soon. THinking of you!

E & crew

Anonymous said...

Jamie you continue to dominate our thoughts. We love you and admire your easy laughter and laid back spirit despite feeling frusterated. We are praying for you. You light up our life!

The Keowns said...

everyone's birth story is so different. Not everyone has that perfect labour. They say only a small percentage of people's water actually breaks before labor.
With Aidan, I had mild contractions. which got worse, went to the hospital because it was only about 35 weeks, they gave me drugs to stop it.
I spent the night thinking the next day I would go home when my water broke and I started bleeding. They induced me but ended up in c-section because of stress on baby,
Cassi and Liam were both planned so no labours but Cassi's pregnancy was filled with an iritable uterus so I spent alot of the time in the hospital with contractions.
this baby will come, don't worry, i would be surprised if they let you go much longer without induction. My close friend was 22 days overdue with her baby so one day doesnt sound so bad yet!

andrew + camille said...

i was grilling my mom yesterday and apparently with me, she lost her plug that morning and had mild labour all day and had me at 7:20 pm . it was like the best birth story ever!! and she never had one epidural, with 3 babies. amazing hey? oh yah, AND i was 5 days early AND baby cool eh??

Kirsten said...

So sorry about the false labour Jamie! But have no only need to wait until November 15th (my estimated date) at 0822!!! Just kidding. I really am sorry that it has been so prolonged. I am praying for you and this little baby. I too wish I was in Abby to go for a vigorous walk or just to give you a hug!

Anonymous said...

with you Jamie, i went in the middle of the night, because of strong contractions. They admitted me, and then the contractions died down, and then at around 9 in the morning, dad said he was going for coffee. Well, shortly after that my water just gushed out, and I called the nurse. I said,"This baby is coming< call the dr." And she said, "no, no it will be awhile yet. Well, us moms know when it's coming, so I said, "this baby is coming, now" She checked me and ran for the dr. Those days they loaded you on a stretcher, and took you to delivery ( a very uncomfortable experience, by the way) Dad and the dr. made it just in time. And I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, 6 lbs. ? oz. (can't tremember) and we named her JAMIE LISA MARIE HARDER. Love you jamie. Hang in there love mom

Anonymous said...

oh Jamie, I was 2 days overdue with you. Today will be the day. I prayed for you this morning. In my mind, I laid hands on your belly, and prayed"God, let this baby be born, TODAY" When I did that for Nichole, Noah was born 5 hours later. mom

KDees said...

Hey Jamie,
Hang in there! You're doing so great! With Tyler, I woke up with mild contractions and "show". I was relatively calm about it, but I knew things were starting. Contractions started around 1:30pm that day and were pretty pronounced and regular. I went to the hospital around 5:30pm and Tyler was born at 12:28am. I never had any false alarms or strange cramps without it being part of labor. So, I really feel for you! How confusing and frustrating. I hope things start soon and that it's the real deal. You are in our thoughts!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I am frustrated for you. I do pray that it will be this week.

Nichole said...

False alarms are SO frustrating! With Kailyn my water broke and then I was induced. With Joshua, I had mild contractions, went to the hospital and after a few hours they broke my water to get things moving. He was born right after that. No false labour with either of them.
With Noah I had days of false labour. I went in to the hospital with contractions and after a couple hours of walking, we ended up going home. Then over the next few days, I had contractions that would come and get stronger but then go away. A few nights I went to bed with them and ended up waking in the morning with nothing going on. We got ready to leave for the hospital numerous times, and then the contractions would just fizzle out. You'll eventually know when it's true labour though. Things just get progressively worse no matter what you do. I didn't want to get sent home again, so I waited for a while. When I finally went to the hospital I was 6cm and Noah was born two hours later. Hang in there!! The good news is that all this false labour prepares your cervix for the real deal so things should go faster for ya!! I'm praying for those contractions to stick around and do their work!