Monday, January 15, 2007

Pretty in Pink

Yesterday Keziah wore this cute little dress to church. She's got a few 0-3 month dresses to wear yet and she's almost 2 months! I had to take some pictures since she may only have a chance to wear each dress once!

And this little angel slept 8 hours for me last night! In other words, I didn't have to get up in the night at ALL for EITHER child. Quite amazing. I could really get used to this!

And here's another little video for your viewing pleasure :)

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Trev and Rebekah said...

I don't really like pink but i assume that if I have a girl she will be wearing some pink. I think it looks cute on girls I just don't like it on me.
I was hoping you would comment about when you got your pics done. I loved your prego pics and only hope to get some good ones like you.

patti said...

she is so sweet! i love all the pink little girls bring.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl!!! I love the video.


Amber said...

What a sweetheart you have!

Summer said...

Don't you just love dressing girls in pink. Little girls look so adorale in pink. Don't you just love it when babies start to coo and make noises. Keziah looks adorable in her dress.

Cheri said...

Hey James: Thanks for the comment. Yes we are thinking about #3 but not for a few months. Having a Jan. baby and an Aug. baby, I would take Jan. anytime!!! So we will shoot for early next year I think. i talked with Grant about this a couple of days ago though and it hasn't even entered his ming!! a little to busy with his new job I think and well if you're not the one how has to get huge and fat then I guess it just doesn't play on your mind that much!! I really do want at least three kids, and I would love a fourth but we'll see how this goes!! I have been praying for more patience and today has been a better day so far. Hopefully it continues!!

Your kids are so sweet! Keziah is beautiful and Micah is such a little man!! I do hear you about the boys having each other. They are starting to play together a bit more instead of fighting so much and they are sharing and it's quite cute. They are only 19 months apart so they have potential to be really close. That is the only thing that sort of worries me a bit about having three boys is that what if one of them is left out?? If Reed and Riley are already so close, how will the third one fit into that?? That's why I said I always wanted four kids so there was an even number and each had someone they could play with. If we do have another baby next Spring then Riley and he/she will be 2 1/2 years apart, just about a whole year difference there than between Reed and Riley so I don't know. All I do know is that I thank the Lord we didn't try to throw another one in there that close!!! That would have been the end of me!!! Anyway, now I'm rambling...sorry! Take care and talk to you later!

Renee Shaw said...

wow is she ever a cutie!! I hope this one is a girl so that I can buy cute little dresses like you had on keziah!
Isn't it awesome when they sleep through the nite?? lol I hope I can get this next one in a routine as fast as I did Preston!! He was constantly sleeping through the nite at 2's hoping! lol

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jamie! I am so happy you had a full nights sleep!

Bonnie said...

She is truly SO beautiful---love the dress!

-Me- said...

she looks adorable Jamie! What a little sweetheart, I can't believe she is already 2 months old!

kelly ens said...

that video is cute - so is the dress! too bad we didn't see you on sunday!
SOOO happy for you that you got 8 hours sleep - isn't it WONDERFUL?! i hope she keeps that up for you (micah too!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie! Congrats on the 8 hour night! We had one a few nights ago, but usually we only get 4-5 hours. Still, much better than the 2-3 hours we were getting before that. It only gets better, right? I love Keziah in her cute dress. It's so sweet. I have to take some pics of James in his 0-3 month stuff too, because he's almost out of it. His toes are just getting to the end of the sleepers now. I guess then it is on to the 3 month stuff - but it still looks pretty big.

Ej said...

Keziah you are so cute I your pink dress. Thanks for letting your mom sleep for 8 hours!

suzspeaks said...

she is beautiful!!! Congratulations on the 8 hours!!!

Janelle said...

oh i just LOVE her!! i sure would like to meet her soon!!! :)
hey Jamen, could you pls e-mail me the details of the guys travels, just so i know when to expect them & stuff? thanks!!