Monday, August 21, 2006

28 weeks and Problem-Free??

Today marks 28 weeks of pregnancy for me! This afternoon I had my 6 month appointment. Erik and Micah came along today and Micah freaked out when he saw the doctor (bad memories, I guess). He didn't feel safe, even though the doctor was poking at me and not him. When he was measuring my belly and listening for the baby's heartbeat, Micah was very concerned for me! What a sensitive soul - good thing he won't be in the delivery room!

Baby’s heart rate was about 156 today. What is it they say? A low heart rate means boy and a high heart rate means girl? I always forget. I had a strong “girl” intuition during the first half of my pregnancy but now I have absolutely no clue. So, it will definitely be a surprise!

The bad news is that I'm feeling the onset of a bladder infection – except that there is no infection. The last time I felt this annoying pressure and irritation was just before my body tried to pass a very large kidney stone about a year and a half ago. The stones that remain are much smaller and should be easier to pass and yet I do not relish having to do so while pregnant. In fact, I even started experiencing some pain in my left kidney today right before I went in to the doctor, but it never really intensified and it hasn't returned. Could that have been the worst of it? I recall having much more intense pain last time around. I did some urine tests today to see what's going on and hopefully all will be well. In the meantime, this bladder discomfort is sending me on frequent trips to the bathroom with little relief. I hope it's all over soon...

On a less painful note, this baby has been SO active ever since I entered the third trimester. I remember Micah keeping me up at night when he was still in my belly and this baby seems to be following suit. It’s making me so excited to meet this little one. Feeling this baby move so much is causing the reality to sink in that in 3 months we will have another child! It’s hard to imagine since Micah is such a huge part of our lives. How will it be to love another little person this much? I know that we will, but I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around it! I worry that my time will be divided – how will we give both children the attention they need and deserve? I guess we'll just adapt when the time comes - just as many other parents have done before us!


Anonymous said...

I loved feeling Annabelle kick the other evening. Makes it more real for me too! Praying for you! You are so beautiful!

Cheri said...

Hi Jamie, it's Cheri here. I stumbled on your blog through Janelle L.'s blog site. So glad to see/read what you're up to. Congrats on baby #2 soon to arrive. I just started blogging today! and I'd love to hear from you. My site is From your site I checked out Lori's too. I miss you guys! Nice to see you're doing well. Talk to you later, Cheri A.

Cheri said...

sorry jamie, I forgot to say that it was Toman in case you were wondering, later.

kelly ens said...

cranberry juice!!!!!! i have had one full-blown bladder infection before, and as soon as the symptoms started 3 other times, I started drinking cranberry juice (like a glass every half hour or more), and it went away. It's the acid in the cranberries, so you can't get cran-raspberry juice - that won't cut it. But i hope nothing more comes of this for you!
Interesting that you mention loving this next baby like you love Micah...we have friends who also have a little boy, Micah, and they welcomed their daughter 6 months ago and said it was so different. They knew they'd love her, obviously, but they felt there was no way to love her the way they loved Micah, since their love for him had 2 years to grow. I think that's true - the love is obviously there, but it grows with them, I think (I hope this doesn't sound bad in any way!!!!)

Janelle said...

Rachelle Block & i were just talking about that the other day...but it's true - so many people have survived with more than one's a bit of a tough phase, but what a blessing! you'll get through it!
and yes, i KNOW it is a girl!

KDees said...

You look so cute Jamie! Congrats on entering the final three months of pregnancy. I really hope your bladder thing goes away and that your last trimester is a breeze! Can't wait to meet Micah's little baby brother or sister!

Amy Smith said...

Jamie, you look so very cute. I like hearing what you guys are up to and its so nice to see pictures. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, do you actually know all these people who comment? Anyway, yes you are beautiful, and I miss all of you so much. Micah is growing so fast and he won't even know us, when we see him. Hope your feeling better. ttyl mom